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Composite Armour

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Posts posted by Composite Armour

  1. The Military cannot enforce the law.

    The police must enforce the law.


    The military is there to combat the enemies of the state.

    The police is there to protect and serve the people.


    If the military become the police, the enemy becomes the people.



    But yeah, I'd like to be in command of the Army. Or Air force, I'm not picky.

  2. Alright, so this is still an early work in progress and I'm going to be assuming a game of 20 people.


    Here's the haps for mafia station 13!


    2 sides, Traitors and Crew members.


    6 x Traitors:



    1 x Leader

    Has an inbuilt freedom implant, which automatically lets him avoid lynching if he's voted out. Can only be used once. Reveals his role.


    5: Traitors


    Syndicate Uplink: The traitors have access to a syndicate uplink, by which they can summon items from the Syndicate using telecrystals. These items have a wide range of effects and can be used once every round. After the round, the item is consumed. Certain items can be bought, saved up and combined to produce a special effect. The amount of telecrystals is limited, so choose wisely. More telecrystals can only be gained on the death of a traitor. Only one item can be bought per round. Majority vote decides among traitors, with the leader having a tie breaker vote just in case.



    Voice Changer mask: Allows the traitors to silently switch a crew members vote to a target of their choice. One use.


    Agent ID: This ID can be modified to show anything. However, it will only work for a short time. If the player is investigated, the results will show up to be whatever is on the agent ID. However, the ID is then used up.


    Chameleon Jumpsuit: This jumpsuit can be changed to look like any other jumpsuit on the station. This allows for traitors to leave behind false evidence at the crime scene. After use, the jumpsuit must be disposed.

    (NOTE: Traitors can combine the above three items to impersonate a Head of Staff and use their power. This cancels the power use from the Head of Staff being impersonated. This does not reveal the roles of anyone. This can be done whenever the traitors have these three items.)


    Parapen: Silently prevents a member of the crew from acting in any way during the round. Has one use.


    Emag: Allows traitors to escape from justice. Removes the suspected traitor from the suspect list at any time, but reveals their role to all. One use.


    Powersink: Drains all power from the station after two rounds. During no power, all crew abilities take two rounds to use. After a random amount of time, explodes, randomly killing two people.


    Singularity beacon: Guides a singularity through the station. Leaves 2 crew and 1 traitors. Reveals the remaining traitor. Don't use this.


    Code Green: Nothing special, just keep picking 'em off one by one.

    Code Blue: The Syndicate demands you complete your objectives at any cost. The amount of telecrystals the traitors have are doubled. The traitors can murder two people per round, but two of them will always appear on the list.




    14 x Crew:



    5 x Heads of Staff

    9 x Crew members


    Captain: Has two votes, plus an extra tie breaker vote if the vote is a draw between two people.


    Head of Security: After every murder, gathers evidence from the crime scene. Can appoint one member of the crew to the suspect list. If the station goes to code blue, can prevent a murder once.


    Head of Personal: Can grant crew members emergency promotions to fill in a vacant Head of Staff position. This allows normal crew members to assume the role of a Head of Staff. This can only be done if the Head of Staff is dead. Crew members filling this position take twice as long to perform actions. During code blue, the Head of Personal can assume an acting Head of Staff position. This allows them to fill the role of one other incapacitated Head of Staff, even if they're alive. This does not allow the HoP to double up the actions of another Head of Staff, but merely complete them in case of them being impersonated, incapacitated or dead. He is also the caretaker of Ian.


    Chief Medical Officer: Can prevent a member of the crew from being murdered once every round. Has the ability to clone dead people and return them to the land of the living. This process takes 5 rounds to complete and requires the CMO to remain alive and uninterrupted for the duration. During code blue, can implant a random member of the crew with a death alarm. If this person dies, an innocent person will be removed from the suspect list.


    Chief Engineer: Keeps power flowing to the station. After his death, power loss will occur after three rounds. Can safely disarm a powersink after two rounds. During code blue, can repair Emag damage after it has been used. This prevents the future use of all Emags.


    9 x Crew members: Cannon fodder. Enjoy. Gets one vote per round.


    Code Green: The round starts like this. Nothing special about this.


    Code Blue: A state of crisis exists on station and the Heads of Staff have decided to enact an escalated security measure. This allows the Heads of Staff to use their special powers, but also grants the traitors increased resources. To enact code blue, all Heads of Staff send me a PM with their code word, which will be included in their role PM. When all remaining Heads of Staff has PMed me their words, I will declare code blue in the thread.



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