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Composite Armour

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Everything posted by Composite Armour

  1. I'll send my SS to the person who bites the dust. What he does with the info is up to him. Posting it in public is a bad idea. It lets the mafia know who's not a special role, narrowing down their targets for taking out our secret weapons.
  2. Bnus also produced a valid PM screenshot back when we were mafia in the second game. It can be photoshopped, so I'm going to take it with a grain of salt.
  3. No. I have no idea about the US governments plans so I'll assume the worst. Will Holland win the World cup?
  4. Let's load and lock and roll and rock!
  5. Our demonstration has roused the beast. All over the galaxy the people are rising up and casting off the shackles of their oppressors. The future is ours! Down with GDR!
  6. If anyone wants to be included in background stories for TGFW, pm me.

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Can we start up a big PM that is just for people who write this stuff so we can co-ordinate planning and writing a bit (lot) easier? Please?

  7. I have to wait for the Cell administrator, High Confessor and High Acolyte to decide. But, this trade has my seal of approval.
  8. Yes, Anime is a tool of our foes used to distract and weaken our members. If we are to be victorious against them, we must put aside all talk of it and ready our members for what needs to be done to protect this great forum.
  9. I've got one that needs doing for the great forum war, but I'd like it to remain a surprise until it's finished. So if anyone is willing, PM me and I'll send you the details.
  10. There must be some mistake, I'm on that list!
  11. Ledgend's Federation: 1, Space pirates: alot, but they're dead now.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      And they took their peg legs, and space treasure with them... dang.

  12. Maybe this one will be a decent RTS. Maybe.
  13. Doubt it. He killed the Halo wars arbiter in the same sense that the rebel scum destroyed the Death star.
  14. Started a 343iCF Skype chat. Let me know if you want in.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I had a Skype but I deleted it. I'll try to get it back, but my Internet is horrible right now.

    2. Twinreaper


      we should do teamspek chat room, like the one I hosted years ago for 343i

    3. Yoshi1176


      I'd like in, im not on often but when I am I'd love to join

  15. Let's load and lock and roll and rock!

  16. "Russia's fate stands with me."

  17. The glow, the WONDERFUL GLOW! Can you not see it gentlemen? I mean no nukes? Who could think of such a thing?
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