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Composite Armour

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Everything posted by Composite Armour

  1. This is your motivation to stop the traitors. Just think, it could be you next! Imagine it, cold hot-pockets.
    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Stop right there criminal scum, pay the fine or serve your sentence!

    2. Wam


      I don't have enough gold.

    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace


  2. Round 2 rrhuntington, traitor, executed by firing squad. Yoshi, Crew, killed by being tied to a chair and force fed cold hot-pockets. Suspect list: Arbiter747 Axilus Prime A Cheap piece of plastic Kakashi_Hatake You have 48 hours to vote.
  3. This feels wrong... Let me try and fix it. Halo 4 sucks. I was going insane, it was like OCD. Balance has been restored.
  4. He'll be revealed on death at the start of the next round. I'm giving people a chance to make sure everything is in order.
  5. There is no such thing as innocence, only varying degrees of guilt.
  6. Voting ended Final Results: Tony Stark: 2 Church: 4 rrhuntington: 4 Bnus: 2 rrhuntingon has been sent to the execution Chamber. All roles PM me targets for Round 2.
  7. There are no clues is scenes, the toolbox is merely for a giggle. Expect them to get more ridiculous.
  8. Mafia Station 13 Round 1 Murder! Self Destruct, Head of Security, killed with a toolbox. Suspect list: Tony Stark Church rruntington Bnus Cast your votes, you have 48 hours.
  9. Mafia 13 PMs sent out. Let the games begin.

  10. Welcome crew to NanoTransen's newest station, the N.S.S. Exodus! You are the custodians of this top of the line research facility, but be warned, there are some who would seek to topple your new home into Oblivion. Yes people, the game has begun. All Roles PM me their targets. LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!
  11. It's friday and we're still in the same situation. If you guys are sick of waiting, let me know and I'll start it.
  12. But this poll doesn't represent me at all. I want to be Grey, not Gray. There's a big difference. And nothing is too spammy for offbeats. Unless it's a spambot. Now about your blackmagic love problems...
  13. Alright, since there's a severe lack of meat for the grinder, I'll leave it up to you guys. We can start now or continue waiting for more people.
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