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Everything posted by renton3241

  1. As a message to players of Halo 2 PC, I am in the process of doing Halo 2 PC Graphics Beta Testing, I need help in working on all the Multiplayer Maps, and Then Work on Single Player Levels. Keep in mind this to Help 343i see what the graphics for this game on PC should be. Requirements: #1. Download TexMod ASAP! (To work on all the shadows, Shaders, Lighting, Ground and More) #2. GENUINE HALO 2 PC SERIAL KEY! #3. I need to someone to take before and after pictures of the levels for the Multiplayer and Single Player
  2. Valve Should be doing the servers for this game, and also do the Anti-Cheat for it
  3. Lock On Feature with Rockets that was the best part of Halo 2 tho I agree, I want to see completely Pure Halo 2 Back, with only graphics fixed, and also the shadows and lighting. Thats the important thing. I am a Halo 2 Xbox Live Veteran, and I can tell you that it was good to have the Lock On Rocket Feature. I miss that the most and the sword completely unlimited Power
  4. Halo 2 needs more patching and I would be happy to do beta tests, for the new patches. I have done Tons of Beta testing of games and patches.
  5. All I ask is to completely reduce the hacks as much as possible. Thats what I want an anticheating engine to do
  6. Also Long as they just update the physics and graphics and don't mess with anything else I say YEA!
  7. They extended it until June 2013
  8. The Map Editor is completely unstable and is has numorous bugs and has never once been fixed right, Halo 2 Doesn't need a map maker, Its better without it I know it may not, but I would at least want the Matchmaking, Ranking, Classic Game Modes, and Anti-Cheat
  9. Forge is completely not needed in the Halo Franchise, with Forge in Halo Franchise it completely kills the nostalgia of the game. Halo 2 Anniversary must not have Forge at all. Its completely unwelcomed and a foolish thing to have in the series. Halo 2 was way better without it, Forge just killed Halo in the nostalgia value
  10. Also Long as "Forge" is permanently GONE! I would be happy with it!
  11. Valve Anti-Cheat Engine would totally save money, they are reliable, strict, and brutal against cheaters, and hackers "All VAC bans are permanent - Valve has a zero-tolerance policy for cheating and will not lift VAC bans under any circumstances." Sell this game on Steam for price range of $20-30 Improve windows 7 support and Windows 8 support, and Get Rid of Dedicated Servers. The graphics should be DirectX 11 HD quality by expanding anti-analysing to 8x sampling, which would make the game inviting to play and enjoy. The Physics for the game needs to feel realistic in terms of how the actions flow. The Coop offline and online should be in for classic play of the game. How ever it should be allowed to have up to 4 players to enjoy the excitement and experience of the game. The Matchmaking that was on Xbox Live, With Classic Game Modes, Plus Ranks 1-50. Clan Forming Completely scrap the map editor, its a huge was of space on peoples hard drives, resources, and is completely unstable and never has been patched Completely improve Xbox 360 controller movements, and Allow a driver for the original Xbox Control to work with Halo 2. Allow Cross Platform Compatibility with Xbox Live Players on the New Xbox. Allow Scoreboards and leader boards online. Improve the weapon sounds, and the damage they do.
  12. Which anticheating engine would work best with Halo 2 PC online Choices are Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) Punkbuster (PB) AhnLab HackShield (AHS) please comment on which one would be the best and most powerful to stop hackers and stop aimbots ice cold
  13. Instead of killing Halo 2 PC lets have cross platform compatiblity, where we all can have match making fun, and can do online Coop with up to 4 players! Xbox 360 controller on pc and graphics that are HD quality in DirectX 11 with multiplayer that has a powerful anticheating engine from Valve
  14. For those of you who don't own Halo 2 on PC now is the time to purchase! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116218
  15. I want to show you guys some textures that I have been testing for the developers to improve on Halo 2 PC
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