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D'aeon Val Dion

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    Daeon Val Dion

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  1. Glitch with oddball hot potato: I'm trying to set up a gametype where you don't score for ball carry time, but rather with ball melee kills. I set it up with a ten second hot potato timer, the idea being you have ten seconds to make your kill before you explode. First to twenty five ball kills wins. But when I'm in game and I melee with the ball, no score gets credited to me. I've tried setting it up with different numbers for points, one, ten, and so on, but nothing gets added up in game. Is there another setting I'm missing? It seems to be an issue for all oddball games I make. If I disable ball carry points and try to set it up so the only points you get are for ball kills, no points get added up in game, no matter how many ball melee kills I do.
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