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  1. Thanks for the greeting SweatyBagels. Nice tip you put up for Mobility and Jetpack for Dominion, and that actually brings me to another few tips that I've learned while playing. Don't let yourself get stuck doing one Loadout. You quickly get multiple loadouts in this game and you can change them between deaths. Unlike slayer gametypes with instant spawns, in Dominion you have a few seconds after you die to watch your death and things around you as well as change your loadout. Continually switching up your Loadout for whatever task you plan on doing is really essential. Mobility and Jet Packs is a good way to snipe in and out of terrain and hit places from unexpected directions to be sure. If your defending, a good loadout would be the Assault Rifle (do not underestimate this beast) with Promethean Vision, this keeps you up to date on whats going on around you. My personal favorite Loadout is DMR with Active Camo. Active Camo is pretty good for long range engagements for a special reason, not only does it make you harder to see, but depending on how invisible you are, the aiming assist won't help them aim at you, giving you a distinct advantage. Also I use it when I defend areas with a sniper rifle. Remember, you don't have to be near a base to help defend or attack it with long range weapons. Vehicles, as SweatyBagels mentioned, are really effective at killing players, but also at covering ground in an instant. Personally, I haven't been too effective at using any sort of vehicle in Halo 4 except for maybe the Mongoose and the Warthog occasionally to get literally from point A to point B. I like to keep the ghosts and banshee's and wraiths available for other players to use and do well with. I feel more comfortable on foot. But I most definitely don't underestimate the effectiveness of vehicles. I'll be honest, I think it's quite noobish of me to not get familiar with the vehicles intimately, and I suggest all new players to do the absolute opposite.
  2. Hey all, this is my first post and first topic on these forums and I decided to make it because I've been playing a lot of Dominion recently and I just wanted to talk about the gametype amongst all you super pro Halo 4 tryhards out there. This topic is going to just be talking about the things I've learned from playing Dominion for over 200 Victories, and over 150 Defeats. I'll keep this relatively short because nobody likes to read overly long posts. After reading them, let me know what you think, share your own strategies and constructively criticize mine. I'm not the perfect player and this is not me trying to convince everybody that I am, but I can always learn from mistakes, and can always broaden my mind to better strategies. Also, this post is here to give newbies a good heads up. Maybe I'll be educating new players to not make these mistakes and not learn them the hard way. 1. Learn the maps and have a strong start: This is pretty much a no-brainer but it deserves to be mentioned. There are currently 4 maps in the Dominion gametype and Exile is played the most, with Vortex played the least (in my experience at least). I have a consistent start to every map except for Vortex because I rarely play it. I'm not going to tell you mine for each map but I am going to say learn where all the first weapon drops are when the game starts, and learn how the enemy typically reacts when the game starts. I'm going to pull a percentage out of my *** and say that about 80% of the games where my team had an excellent start, we ended up winning in the end. I'll go as far to say it's almost absolutely crucial to have a strong start in Dominion, but epic comebacks happen all the time so don't be discouraged if you had a bad start. 2. Bases, Fortifications, and Resupplies: I'm not going to go over the general stuff of Dominion because you aren't CoD players, you aren't idiots and can figure things out yourselves. What I will go over is basic tactics to help you win. First up, is don't be overzealous, and by this I mean if you feel yourself at a strong disadvantage, find a way to turn the tables. This seems like a no brainer, but I can't tell you how often I see good players forget that they can stop throwing themselves at a base spawn after spawn thinking they are all powerful. And wait for a good resupply to give them that edge they need to take the base. If you have 2 bases, there is really no need to leave a base to go capture the third. It just leaves your crucial footing open for capture. Sure people can complain that your camping, but with Dominion it's a strategy that earns victories. If you have 1 base, against their 2, or if the other base of yours is being captured, it's essential to start moving, but do so with a good train of thought. Instead of "I'm going to spawn and rush to the enemy base and hope they don't have a good footing." you should think "I'm going to watch my HUD, figure out where my teammates are, and wait 10 seconds for this Base resupply, and decide which base I can join my teammates to capture with my shiny new rocket launcher." 3. Sniper No Sniping! : Sniper rifle is a powerful tool in any gametype, and Dominion is no different. If your not good with the sniper rifle, get good with it, there is no way around it. I'm going to go over 2 tips that I've learned on the map Exile, I figure it's a good place to start seeing as it's the most popular map by far. Tip 1: The first tip is when you start on the Red team, start with a DMR, or a Light Rifle, and rush to the right of capture point B, like your going to capture point A. Crouch down and aim towards the far end of the map, aim at the Sniper Rifle that is sitting in the clearing. I've gotten a ridiculous amount of First Strike kills for those overzealous players rushing for that sniper rifle. If you have a good shot, they really have nowhere to run that will get them out of your firing sight...unless you miss a couple shots. It is actually essential to kill this guy, because he has a clear shot towards your teammates trying to get A and I've downed around 4 to 5 people going for A just with that sniper rifle when I was on Blue Team. If nobody goes for the sniper rifle, and it will usually take around 7 to 12 seconds after the start of the game for you to realize that nobody is going for it, than rush to the SAW that spawns at the mouth of the "cave" to the lifters to capture point A. And if your feeling incredibly bold, and feel it's safe, and your team has A, than go for the sniper rifle yourself and go to my next Sniping tip... This won't work on skilled players, or players that are wise to this trick like me. When I'm on Blue Team I can usually manage to get the sniper rifle with a careful mind even with people aiming at me. Tip 2: If your team has A and you have the sniper rifle, and preferably active camo, jump to the rocks to the left of A. There is a rather large platform that you can perch yourself on and you have a clear shot to B from here. Not only that, but if you stay observant, you can intercept enemies coming down from the cave to capture A, as long as you stay stealthy. Active camo only helps you to stay incognito while your there. Just be careful of Banshees and if your good enough, enemies will get wise and start shooting at you, but this usually takes awhile. So be careful, and if you've been made, it's time to switch sniping spots. That was longer than I hoped, but those are just a few tips, if people read this and share their own tips, I'll give more and hopefully we can get some seriously good strategies running through this thread. Happy posting!
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