I beat the Campaign offline since my internet connection was being a d*ck and didn't want me to login to Xbox Live. It took me about 8 hours to beat it working my a** off with sweat and anger (lol, it was really hard) and i felt so rewarded and accomplished when i was watching the Epilogue finally beating the Legendary Campaign waiting to get my Mark VI armor and Orange visor. But wait, nothing happened. I only got the achievement and a avatar award and that was it. So i got a bit worried for a bit wondering where the hell was my legendary armor and visor.
So i googled why my armor and visor wasn't showing up and one person and another person said that you have to beat it online while playing Campaign. So i got pretty f*cking pissed because it took me 8 hours to beat the campaign and i definitely don't want to do that again. I heard that if you beat the last mission on Legendary again it will unlock the armor. Now that mission was the hardest mission in the Campaign and i definitely don't feel like doing that again.
So does anyone know how to unlock the Mark VI armor and Legendary visor without having to complete the whole Campaign?