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Everything posted by JMCooper20

  1. You could also put drop pods in that actually work, in maybe a map in space or something.
  2. That would be so awesome, though then it will ruin your creativity (idk if it will ruin your creativity). yea but id like things to work and function like doors and ect Yeah that's what I'm saying, like in black ops it has elevators you can interact with, so it would be good to put something like that in your maps
  3. That would be so awesome, though then it will ruin your creativity (idk if it will ruin your creativity). yeah but you would be able to make so much more and people can be more creative, cos the only way you could make elevators and automatic doors were with bombs and it took ages to make them as well
  4. to be honest the halo 3 leveling system was crap cos it took forever to level up and the reach medals looked so much better
  5. JMCooper20


    that would be well good
  6. Maybe you could put any vehicle in the maps as well, from every halo game there is
  7. What you should have is things you can actually use like an elevator, automatic doors, lights etc
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