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Everything posted by HappehNinja

  1. I would sure love to se Arby's face again.
  2. People mostly use DMR or BR with Boltshot... My usual load-out is: DMR Magnum Frag Grenade Hologram Mobility Dexterity
  3. I would love to, but I'm not allowed to touch the xbox this semester... sorry. Try Legendary with the Grunt Birthday Party skull on though.
  4. Howdy! Welcome to the forums. Hope you have some fun in here. Ask anything here on the forums, and answers will come a'running.
  5. Run behind them, and a swing of a sword should cover it. Though, the die with anything as long as you hit them in the back, and that doesn't seem to be a problem as long as you're careful.
  6. Just hit the 200th post! I'm finally promoted to "less noob"! So far it's been fun tagging along on this community. Lots of smart people willing to share their experiences with the Halo franchise. I hope that I get to reach the big 1k one day... Until then, I still have many things to share, and a lot to hear from you guys.
  7. There's a kid with a Sonic t-shirt right above the big red play button... infinite swag.
  8. I agree with you on this matter, but the thing is that it's literally a shotgun... that you start with.
  9. Oh my God!! It's a survival game, guys! It's supposed to be all ragged up like that!
  10. YEAH!! TEAM EFFING DOUBLES!! EPIC WIN!! (at least for me it is...)
  11. I actually find the new looks to match up pretty well with the game. After all, they are the desperate ones. Also, I find their new armor to have a more tactical advantage since it's probably lighter and allow better mobility (as if their mobility wasn't good enough...). Also, you don't dis on the Hunters...
  12. Like I keep trying to say, Halo 4 is great. It's just that some people can't move on; rather see the game their way; would prefer to play something else, or simply played during the hype. There is nothing else to it, the rest is up to the updates.
  13. Howdy partner! Welcome back to the forums. I'm one of the fresh batch of "noobs".
  14. Howdy partner! Welcome to the forums. Any questions related to Halo 4 (and anything video game related things) feel free to ask away.
  15. I like flood. I think it's fine to lack the ability to re-supply, since that would promote Spartans to "camp" and just the benefit if ammo gives an over-whelming upper hand to them. It's fine the way it is, as a survival game, where every shot counts, and a mistake can cost your K/D (LOL).
  16. I'm a bit late here, but thanks for the scoop. Really helpful.
  17. That's right. As most war games say these days, she left "With a Bang".
  18. Of course I would! I like to throw money at my friend, Bill. No, seriously... I would.
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