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Everything posted by HappehNinja

  1. Hello friends and fellow community members. My name is Albert, and I would like to share my feelings for this Halo community. I have found that people here always have something to share and that most out there look further into the Halo series. I've met people that have similar views of life, and people who have a rather curious views of it too. So much diversity of different, but good people. I have recently reached my 50th post, which is merely a fraction of what other members have. However, I am proud to have received my first achievement and I would like to test myself and keep posting further on. I may forget to return to this place due to my other duties in life, but if I do, I will never forget about the good people of this forum and the stories that they have shared. I'm looking forward on spending more time with you guys and to keep an ear open (or in this case my eyes) to hear about your experience with the Halo universe. Thanks guys.
  2. Well, I'm already done with the Campaign and I don't usually do the Campaign Challenges. However, every now in the, when I get that nostalgic feeling to play the campaign again and to revisit it's wonderful story, I also do the challenges along the way. If I were allowed to play again and renovate my gold, I would totally take a shot at it. Thanks for notifying us.
  3. Even though I could have simply turned my Xbox 360 console to view these achievements, I greatly appreciate this list. It can serve well to many people who haven't got the time to take a look at it, and a good memory jogger for those who have. Well done.
  4. People are complaining about many things that Halo 4 has brought. Most of which include opinions (and nothing more) about the campaign, why some guns should be "buffed" or "nerfed", why is there no forge world, ect. I believe that some of the arguments seem to state a good point, but most others are just self-centered opinions about the game. This is due because of the lack of proper argumentation. Even though, I agree that some weapons should be modified to make a better balance, I don't make such a ruckus about it.
  5. First of all, I am very disappointed to see a topic like this up and running. One must first introduce him/herself and place a subject to argue about. It is then that people place their reasonable suggestions to support or to argue about the subject in a well and organized matter. Every reasonable opinion counts and should be considered. I believe that modifying weapons to make a healthier balance should be taken on consideration.
  6. It would definitely be neat if they could add forge world on Halo 4. True, we have multiple maps to choose from, but they will never have the space that forge world had. True, the moon base is pretty cool... but it would be cooler to have more land to work with.
  7. Thanks for sharing those trips! The jet-pack is usually used to reach clever camping spots (well, they are!) and to put your enemies aim to the test (however, this may backfire...).
  8. I found the campaign to be pretty good actually. I've been on Halo since the third installment, but managed to catch up on the full story experience. Remember, studios 343 might have done a great job with Halo 4, but they can't please everyone.
  9. Well, try playing a game type that you're good at and keep playing just that until you reach LVL50, taking a break every now and then. Also, try beating challenges, they seem to give good exp. If not, you can always try finding spartan ops lobbies. Spartan ops offer pretty good exp.
  10. I think it works pretty good. Even though it's better when scoped (apparently) it's still good precision weapon. Don't think it needs buffing, and if it did, just some slight changes.
  11. To have some fun. Be it alone, or with friends.
  12. I would gladly join you on this adventure and start creating my typical slime farm for resources, but I'm not allowed to play 'till June for no good reason and I'm currently goldless.
  13. Wow, the food addition sounds grand!! Altough. I though that the clue/mission thing was pretty interesting, it just need some more "special encounters" along the way. Like more badies doing dialog or a more clever way to get caught up by enemies while you reached your next clue/mission.
  14. Howdy! Welcome to the community! I hope you like it here.
  15. No, 'cuz there would have to be some tampering with the story line to make that happen. I don't think the UNSC have the economical side strong enough to support laser or plasma weapons. They barely got the Spartan Laser and the Rail Gun, plus you barely see any infantry using them. Also, it would be like asking for the covenant and the fore-runner to have ballistic weapons.
  16. Most, if not, all of the spartan ops missions are on re-textured parts of the campaign missions...
  17. The spartan armor that was issued to spartans during the attack of the covenant. Also, spartans weren't created to battle against the covenant at first...
  18. I know, right!? The scarab mission on metropolis was just the best! Though, I did hear somewhere that they would be making an anniversary for Halo 2... I hope so.
  19. Thanks for fixing that out. Thought it took place during Halo 3 (Now that explains alot...)
  20. I would be happy just with Battle Creek. But, other maps from Halo 2 would also be greatly appreciated.
  21. Well, I do like that it's not your average first person shooter experience. I like how its setting is placed through-out the universe and that it's a science-fiction series. The story is pretty damn good too.
  22. I agree that the Bolkshot seem to work too well on it's field. But one must understand that that's what it precisely does. It's a accuracy/close-quarters gun. I do agree that the Bolkshot seems to be the most used secondary at the moment and that modifying it might be taken into consideration. Also, there is also the probability of missing the shot, though, it's hard to miss since it's made for close-quarters... You just have to deal with it until action takes place for the moment.
  23. Not all people give in to thought and reason. Most people just run into straight conclusions and don't really seem to give the objective a chance or some credit on it's primary aspects. Plus, if most were "die-hard" fans of the series, they should know better than this.
  24. On my opinion, MLG don't have fun and play like their very life depended on it. If you would like to challenge/beat them, you must give your best. I rather have fun than straining myself. Also, you might want to have a friend or two to help you out that know how to play well (not exceptional players, just good ones), because going in solo with a random team won't help much. I hope that helps, dude. Best of luck
  25. It's not that hard actually. You just have to be yourself. Firstly, make or pick a class that you would like to use to make this done. Second, you must play with total patience and avoid being part of a big shoot-out. If necessary "camping" should be considered. The trick to get a perfection is to try your hardest, but give it some rest if you fail too often. The key is to have fun in the process, so don't over-do yourself.
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