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Everything posted by HappehNinja

  1. So yeah, his insides were disintegrated by a pulse grenade, and he fell quite a long distance to Earth's surface... Yeah, he is definitively alive.
  2. Seriously? Just because MLG is not working with Halo anymore, doesn't mean the series isn't any good. MLG is just a sponsor (or a leech if you ask me), since it didn't have anything to do with the production of the series itself.
  3. Sure, I like the idea about having official tournaments for video games. I mean, if people enjoy making their hobby (or pastime, if you will) into something more beneficial, I guess that's fine. It's like most sports, they were once a pastime and later became official sports due to an increase on popularity. Let's just say that I don't think winning is the only goal.
  4. Capture the Flag needs to be betrayal free. Too many folks keep shooting their own flag carrier down instead, of guarding him, for the sole purpose of stealing the flag and hauling the points for themselves.
  5. Perhaps it's not a farewell that you seek. More like a hiatus. Either way, follow your instincts and do what you must, Noxus.
  6. Wouldn't it be cool if the other classes get their own "mantis"?
  7. I suppose that it's because one of your members doesn't have a decent connection, or your connection doesn't keep up with theirs.
  8. I might add that I find them to be too over-used and present no real challenge to the game.
  9. Guys, calm down, no need for unnecessary language. I see that most people still live on the Halo 3 days... anyway, it's not that bad. Having power weapons at your disposal is playing smart, since one would probably want to be best prepared for an encounter. Please, do tell me how you would totally ignore a power weapon when the chance to pick one up is available to you...
  10. No. I believe golden, arcade style tokens should represent the value of the maximum forge capability.
  11. Not really. I think it's more a story about Master Chief finding his human side. Cortana's final moments helped with this, and I consider that it wasn't the lost of a lover, no, more like the lost of a friend.
  12. I would love more variety for each primary and secondary weapon class, but certainly no power weapons included. Yes, Boltshot, I'm looking at your direction.
  13. Well, I've used Recon my entire life... so I don't think I'd try or recommend any other. Tried Fishstick once though... it's kind off good, but I guess I'm too used to Recon.
  14. Sure, the game has a few flaws here and there, but the game it's not garbage like some say it is. Now you do have a point. There are some things that should be fixed, like the Gauss Hog, but let us not forget about the Boltshot... Another notable flaw is the covenant carbine, since practically a water gun can create collateral damage compared to it.
  15. Howdy partner! Welcome aboard. Hope you like the community.
  16. Harder to use? It doesn't even agree to those terms. It's utter garbage, because It takes 7-9 headshots to kill someone with the carbine, and it's certainly a heavy disadvantage since the DMR and BR require half or less headshots for the kill. It's not easy to aim and fire headshots at a rapid succession to get a kill, much less 7 to 9 times. It needs a buff to be able to at least last against the two-most-used, and, of course, it's very doubtful that it will receive such a buff anytime soon.
  17. It depends on your game style, but I use the following (most of the time): -Assault Riffle -Boltshot (I'm done with the pistol, so on the mean time I have to use this abomination.) -Frag -Hologram -Mobility -Dexterity Notice that the AR performs best on close quarters, and gets a few hits on medium, so try not to engage precision weapons from a distance. Since it does good on close quarters, always assume that enemies that stopped somewhere or that aren't moving have a Boltshot on. In this case, frag them or use hologram.
  18. I see people are still overreacting over Halo 4...
  19. Howdy partner! Welcome to the community.
  20. Yeah, I would totally love to have Chuck Norris leading me online!
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