Hi guys, I need some help designing Halo 4 loadouts for a 1v1 and if you could help, I'd greatly appreciate it. Design these loadouts with everything unlocked in mind, I have unlocked all weapons, grenades, tactical packages, and support upgrades as I got to SR 130 quickly with Fast Track, and Double XP on Spartan Ops. The setup will most likely be regular Infinity Slayer on Haven, and the person who I'm going against has the option to use the Stealth, and Requisition armor mods. He's almost done Pathfinder, and has already completed Pioneer but neither will help him. I'm planning to use a lot of Drop Recon, Nemesis, and Stability as a Support Upgrade but I don't know what in a loadout compliments them. Could any of you guys help out? Thanks Have a great day!