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Everything posted by OompaMyLoompaa

  1. Thanks. I know most the weapon spawns on Haven and again, this is regular Infinity Slayer that shipped with the game. So ordnance is NOT disabled, it's regular settings. Thanks for all your help! However, I don't remember an Incineration Cannon spawning on Haven.
  2. Thanks, so much guys! Perhaps Stability would not be a good Support Upgrade as most players don't seem to use the scope in some of the smaller maps like Haven. I'm a big Promethean Vision user but I don't want to be too reliant on it and my opponent may use this against me. He could easily use the Stealth armor mod. The gametype is just regular Infinity Slayer on the map Haven. We're not placing nav points above our heads.
  3. Hi guys, I need some help designing Halo 4 loadouts for a 1v1 and if you could help, I'd greatly appreciate it. Design these loadouts with everything unlocked in mind, I have unlocked all weapons, grenades, tactical packages, and support upgrades as I got to SR 130 quickly with Fast Track, and Double XP on Spartan Ops. The setup will most likely be regular Infinity Slayer on Haven, and the person who I'm going against has the option to use the Stealth, and Requisition armor mods. He's almost done Pathfinder, and has already completed Pioneer but neither will help him. I'm planning to use a lot of Drop Recon, Nemesis, and Stability as a Support Upgrade but I don't know what in a loadout compliments them. Could any of you guys help out? Thanks Have a great day!
  4. This Shoutbox is the most beautiful thing I have seen on a forum Just wondering why does it say "2 liked" in a green box under my profile? Just wondering.
  5. Used most of my Double XP on Spartan Ops and I'm now at SR 130. I still had about 50 games of Double XP left over.
  6. Hi everybody, I highly doubt I will convince anybody to join my team or make a website for it, but I am starting a new team of about 5-14 members called Fireteam Delta. My plan is for Fireteam Delta to be one team out of many that form a huge formation/alliance of teams called the INFINITY ARMY. Read more about it here; https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postst178011_Join-Fireteam-Delta-of-the-Infinity-Army.aspx I am making an Enjin website with a few other people, but as most of us are still in high school, we are quite busy with exams and other stuff and do not have much website-building or clan experience. If you are willing to help us build our website and form and strengthen our group, that would be awesome Xbox Live message me if you ever need or want to talk -I know I'm asking for a lot with not much to pay back with, but it'd mean a lot to me if you could help out
  7. Hi guys, I decided to join 343industries.org because I feel as if it has a better community than the forums on Halo Waypoint. You really can't talk about anything there except hate on Halo 4. Anyways my username is my Xbox Live GT, and I'm a 15-year-old kid that loves forums. Please don't hate me because I'm 15, just because I'm 15 doesn't mean I'm a bad person. So um, I don't know what else to say but I hope you guys don't mind me joining this community. Anyways, I am starting to form a new group called the INFINITY ARMY. If you want to join and learn more about it, here is a link to my Waypoint post: https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postst178011_Join-Fireteam-Delta-of-the-Infinity-Army.aspx I am one of the very few people who are part of the Infinity Army so far as we are just starting, so we need and hope that we get as much support and members as possible.
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