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Tim Whittle

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Everything posted by Tim Whittle

  1. Do you play halo 4 as a clan. I am new to halo 4. I just started playing it 2 days ago. I am not new to FPS games as I have been playing COD sense I stop playing Halo 2 on the old xbox. But I have decide to go back to halo. Just wondering if you just play halo 4 tournaments. Thanks
  2. HI, fellow gamers, i am 30 years old and I am from canada. I play every night and and weekends. I am looking for some what of an adult clan, or atleast a clan with no screamers. I just started playing halo 4 two days ago but i am not stranger to FPS. I normally play COD and I am looking to expand into the Halo world. I used to be a hardcore halo player when halo 2 was on the go. So if you guys want a player the will compete and have fun then send me a message on here or on xbox. GT k1ll1tme CHEERS
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