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Jesus in Malibu

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Everything posted by Jesus in Malibu

  1. This has also happened to me with a gametype. I've saved ~100 or so gametypes and I attempted to load a KoTH mode "Leap Frog", when I click it, it showed the current gametype was set to a Flood mode "Double Dutch". I had to redownload the gametype to fix it, but all in all, never had this happen to me before in any situation.
  2. That's no glitch. Your rotational snap setting is set to 90°. Set it to "off".
  3. Ah, this remake looks exceptionally better than the one currently in MM. Everybody always forgets about the window in the center platform as well. Great work.
  4. Yes and no. I would like large, flat forging space (larger than Ravine's and Erosion's) but a Forge World definitely won't do considering how laggy some forge maps are in the first place on this game. A large complex map like Forge World structure will kill your framerate, sadly. I'd be a lot more happy if the sea on Ravine wasn't blocked off and the open areas behind Impact and the open space over the acid pool on Erosion weren't blocked off for no reason.
  5. Thanks, always good to hear positive feedback. I just wasn't sure at first as I'm not much of a social person therefore I wouldn't have exactly known.
  6. Promethean Predator - Uses Hard light technology to maneuver the vehicle. Is very lengthy (similar to a LightRifle) and shoots Incineration Cannon-like mortars high into the air and drops down fast, dead onto your target of where you aimed. Same speed as a UNSC Scorpion, and cannot boost. No passengers or side gunners. Feedback or opinions?
  7. Hey everybody. Well, I've posted my map on the Waypoint forums over in the Community Creations to showcase it; no big deal. After about a day, a reply appears which was seems it was intended to abuse and anger. My question is, is he right or is he trolling like the ****** he is? I just want an opinion or standpoint on who is right here, I'm not asking you to post there or bash him, I just want to discuss this here. Here's the thread: https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postst179108_Gephyrophobia-Remake---Transverse.aspx Thanks.
  8. Map: Transverse Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag, Slayer, Regicide, King of the Hill, Oddball, Extraction Recommended Gametypes: Capture the Flag, Big Team Infinity Slayer Downloads: -Map -File Share GT: Shore Jesus Description: This map is meant to be played with 8v8 Capture the Flag or Team Slayer. It is a narrow symmetrical bridge and is a remake of the popular Halo PC exclusive map "Gephyrophobia". Behind the ends of the bridge there are bases for Red and Blue and are the main hubs of navigation through parts of the map. The bases also provide great cover from sniper fire and banshees. In the center of the map there are 2 Shade Turrets. At the entrances of each base there is 1 Rocket Warthog, 1 Chaingun Warthog and 2 Ghosts. There are also 2 Banshee's on the map on the small highrises to the sides of the map. There are numerous weapons spread throughout the map. Compared to the original map, I had to optimize the weapons and vehicles for Halo 4 to ensure balanced gameplay. Pictures: *Pre-Valentines Update* -Overview: http://imageshack.us/a/img266/3237/overviewp.jpg -Bottom bridge: http://imageshack.us/a/img268/4082/bottombridge.jpg -Tower: http://imageshack.us/a/img853/2309/toweroq.jpg -Action shot: http://imageshack.us/a/img831/9727/gameplayz.jpg -Inside Red/Blue Base: http://imageshack.us/a/img856/7894/redbase.jpg Videos: I also have a full 8v8 CTF gameplay of the map on my File Share. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAyr6bTkWm4
  9. Thanks everyone for the welcomes.
  10. Where to start...? My name is Anthony and my Gamertag is Shore Jesus. I've been with Halo since 2005 when I was introduced to Halo 2 and I was into Forge in Halo 3. I didn't play much Halo Reach and I don't even think I touched Forge World so getting back into Forge in Halo 4 with the new engine was different. Anyway, I currently play Halo, Far Cry, CoD (only with friends to talk, mainly), Minecraft and some others. I've also played with Spades before in GOS's Friday's Customs a few times in the past. Well, that's about it and thanks.
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