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  1. Can you guys give this Halo Customs app a little boost? Looking for some early activity to push up its rating in the App Store. Info here: http://halocustoms.com/threads/ever-want-a-halo-customs-app.8155

  2. Thanks for the comments guys! I appreciate all the activity and games that every member brings to the site! Also, we're now fully decked out for St. Patrick's Day... St. Patties day banner, entire site turned green, members colors turned green, and our alerts turned into beer mugs! Check it out! As a sidenote @Jl1223 X: as I assume you know already, all timezones are automatically calculated based on where you are! We're finding that a lot of people in timezones that aren't GMT or in America (basically the "weird" timezones) are actually finding matches. All of these people from Australia or New Zealand or Germany are getting online and seeing reasonable times from their peers, instead of everything being converted to EST or GMT, and it seeming all impossible to join. So, I'd definitely give hosting a shot sometime -- I think you'd be surprised what the results are like even in low activity times in America and England!
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