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Everything posted by GP01

  1. I hate have my exit route cutoff by some idiot who doesn't know he's about to get owned by the entire enemy team. Plus I dont like getting caught on smooth/sloping walls or an barely perceivable rift in the floor thats not even bigger than a step. If they would fix this it would make for a more pleasant playing environment besides I remember them saying they didn't want players to find it too easy to get themselves killed by the map when they were talking about the new maps. but all too often I find myself caught on another player or a ledge by little more then say my elbow snagging them only to killed for that delay. And the quick kill times don't help this.
  2. I too miss friendly fire for the reasons above and more. Mainly in most game types if someone get you killed by dragging you into combat (getting stuck on them as you try to run by) stepping in front of your denator/rocket, or even pushing off a ledge. I liked being able to at least let them know in a meaningful fashion like a quick melee or shot to the body. and in some cases getting them to kill you intentionally with their grenades/gunfire so you can kick them for being an a bad team mate. But like you guys have said in most game types teammates are immune to friendly fire except in vehicles and even then some are willing to go as far as to blow up the vehicle you are in if they didn't have their way (ie them piloting it). There's also the people who do nothing but drive ghosts on complex that make a habit of betraying teammates getting hi-jacked and as a whole not contributing anything but kills to the other team. Personally running people over, as satisfying as it is, is a very dangerous tactic as you're far more vulnerable to plasma(grenade and pistol), hijack, and power weapons. Plus
  3. 2. I can agree the hardlight shield and thrusterpack could use a slight buff but not much. I few nights ago I avoided all damage from an opponents grenades as he tried to pry the shotgun out of my cold dead hands and he failed miserably until he got a fuel rod cannon and a better plan/luck. Honestly though the usage of it is extremely niche for standard from what I seen and experienced. Same for the thruster pack. the most commmon abilities from I've seen are pro.Vision, cloak, energy field(regen field), followed by jet pack and hologram. 3. The DMR is slightly over powered, I love it, but even if it took another shot to kill someone it'd be fine in most circumstances. I mean there are places I just wont go on maps, namely anywhere thats wide open, because of how fast someone using this gun can kill you. It's reminding me of a toned down version of halo CE's magnum. 4. Jumpers as mentioned I have no direct complaint with this mechanic, those complaints are really focused towards a seperate but inter-related mechanic called the aim-assist. The aim-assist in this game is honestly the worst I've personally experienced out of all the Halo games I've played, and thats all of them. nearly every match I see it pull my aim off target, literally spas out when I try to make a slight adjustment(especially height wise), and it can even take effect through walls from what I've noticed. This makes dealing with multiple targets nearly suicide, excluding the chance that I've hurt them all significantly with a grenade(which without explosives is unlikely). Now the drastic amount of vertical change given to aim-assist is useful against jumpers but against a strafing enemy or one on an incline this is damaging (present but not as bad when your on an incline). My last major issue I see balance wise is some charge weapons have issues, plasma pistol is underwhelming in my experience except against vehicles. By the time you can get it charged your dead(if you begin charging it at contact), you can hold the charge for an extended period of time but that is a huge gamble imo, getting it to track a target with even a semblence of intelligence is downright tough, and if your alone switching weapons will nearly ensure your shields will be down under all but ideal circumstances. Lastly if you are working with someone unless you take your time or use an exploit to reset the guns cooldown there is a chance you will try to charge another shot to early and the gun will idly laugh(ie not charge) at you as you die in hail of bullets. The boltshot suffers from all of these af well(swap the tracking for hit recognition, as a point blank shot should hit for full damage and yet I frequently see people surviving even after a melee), I'm not saying remove the charge up or cool-down but tweak them. I forgot to mention not only is the plasma pistols charge up really long but if you release it earlier you end up with nothing but lost energy. personally that makes for a very underwhelming gun. The boltshot (even with it's problems) is usually a godsend against hammers/sword/shotguns etc as with a bit of skill/planning/luck/etc can help you break a lockdown on those weapons. I want to ask does anyone understand how to use the suppressor? I used it and it seems to take more than a clip to kill someone unless they're bashing my face into the ground wondering why I even bothered. It just seems to me the AR is better in every way. given the stupid fast 6 shot melee someones dead in a half second tactic which had me going was that an assault rifle or a shotgun? Fortunately the shotgun is still king of melee range weapons. Map rotation is a little poor atm. I'm not a fan of haven(nor was I a fan of any circular map at any given point) as maps like that require a level of teamwork which you normally wont get with randoms. without said teamwork it can quickly turn into one or more idiots fedding kills to the enemy team while leaving the rest of the team to fight against the odds. Which then it comes down to luck of the draw provided the enemy isn't working together. If they are then you're likely to get a quick kill or two(if you didn't get a ****ty ordance drop) before getting strong armed into handing over your hard earned ordance and then doomed to watch the score climb out of control. Now I wont call this a balance issues but why has sticking people with plasma's become a standard tactic? I mean it's really easy to do I have a friend who hasn't played halo since CE getting 6 or so sticks a match, though he can hardly get a kill otherwise.(-20K/d a game btw) Because it's so easy it seems to bailout weak/half-hazard play styles in cqc curcumstances. I know there are ways to deal with it, which I use when it is clear the enemy is dead set on sticking me. However I feel it caters heavily to people who rush into a place without a even a semblence of a plan. Mind you when I say plan I dont mean anything complex like you go around back crouching while I strafe about like an idiot trying to shoot and nade him(this plan which is still very simple seems that even it's individual tactics alone are too complicated for a majority of players I've seen), but rather if I run and in there and he has a X(AR, sword whatever) what is the best method for me to get a kill without ending up on his tally this is essentialy the whole idea of slayer killing player using whatever weapon without being killed by him. right now plasma's are as a redo button, I liked the armor lock and bubble field as they made people think twice about throwing sticky grenades but there is nothing even close as players will simply run right through hardlight shield and stick you anyways and thats if you can time the shield right in the first place. I apologize if that came off as an incoherent rant but some of these issues are irratating. As I been playing since halo ce and seen some aspects of the game regress instead of improve. Am I really asking that much? PS: I miss team doubles, good memories including a memorable 25-2 where me and my buddy got double killed at the start and never died again.
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