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Chucky Dope

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Everything posted by Chucky Dope

  1. Halo won't have many fans unless 343 make these changes, i will also post my comments on waypoint. Thanks
  2. January Bulletin. It is great to hear that 343 are making some changes in February. If you ask me they can't come soon enough. My views The easy bit... Please make the mlg, doubles and ffa playlist permanent or you will continue to upset many players, myself included. I do not want to be forced to play particular playlists. I will try them and play them if they are good but do not remove already proven playlists. Also keep Regicide (especially team) as this is another great option to have. STOP forcing me into already started games, people leave these because they are in a laggy host, so don't put me in it ffs! The hard bit, but the most important... Please fix the host selection (or even better get some quality dedicated hosts set up). Obviously you don't want to do this as lag has been a huge halo issue forever. My set up is VM 100Mb Down 10Mb Up, wired (superhub in modem mode, asus ac66u router WIRED to xbox) My ping and speedtest results are.. 18ms ping, 95Mb Down, 9.5Up, with <3ms jitter. http://www.speedtest.net/result/2442813985.png some other points It seems to me when a game is really laggy the first person to leave is the host who has hardly any kills, it happens a lot, why is this? I hardly ever get host despite having a perfect gaming set up and on the rare occasion I get host everyone loves it. (how do I know I am host, I can feel it in the game / I set up a custom game, start it then let others join, or I leave before the last kill in a game and my friends tell me if the scoreboard comes up to select a new host (only done this a couple of times to check since 343 removed the ability to check via bloom spawn). Some of the most solid games I have played have been on big team infinity slayer, perfect and without lag. (not always but more often than normal slayer). SO are the host selection parameters different for this playlist? WHY can't I pick to be or give host in a custom game, why do I have to start the game myself and invite players after to achieve being host? As I have said before - great game, bad execution of lots of things, forcing us to play unwanted playlists, plagued by bad hosts. Maps - more like haven / solace / abandon. I hate the big multi player maps it's playing campaign which I find boring. I love the competitive side to 2v2, 3v3 & 4v4. Good luck in fixing these issues and thanks for a otherwise superb first game from 343. (not shouting just highlighting some more things for my badly laid out post).. I CAN'T SEARCH FOR FORGE MAPS etc no files found FIX THE REPLAYS OR REMOVE THEM I WANT TO ALTER THE SPAWN TIME IN CUSTOM GAMES BUT CAN'T (maybe i'm missing something) Thanks Chucky
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