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    Glendale, AZ
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    halo 4

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    funny mongo

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  1. looks good cant wait i like the new look of the fuel rod gun (if it stays that way) i like the color and idk i think its an improvement in my opinion
  2. why you guys want halo 1 era vehicles is beyond me (reach was before halo 1 i believe) i would want newer vehicles and i want to fly that damn pelican or at least let me fly it in forge world or something SERIOUSLY pelican and the phantom
  3. funnymongo


    ThatNightmar2 Vehicle specifics- paint, rims, height (possibly change these in a garage I keep hearing about) Kurt S-051 Also wants spaceships like frigates, corvettes, ect MasterxChiefx13 Space maps, aerial, spacial combat/dogfights christpuncher18 Every vehicle in any Halo game(even Scarab/Frigate) available for Forging. A.I. spawns is an awesome idea, and so is O.D.S.T. drop pods. You, RussianPenguin, 1ns4n1ty and 2 others like this Unlike im not the only one that wants more vehicles and customization
  4. im just gonna say id like to be abe to at least still play as a elite and i really want to be able to forge as a forerunner with forerunner dedicated armor kinda like the elites had theyre own armor well same concept with the forerunner
  5. i want to see attachments and customization kinda like cod or battlefield but with a halo twist you know what im talking about
  6. this has nothing to do with gameplay i just want a crap ton of more vehicles to play with on top of what us players already have used
  7. funnymongo


    now i posted awhile back of an revolutionary idea called garage because lets face it those of us that favor vehicles want more right. now the idea was to go into this oversized garage and to basically forge but dedicated towards vehicles for instance you spawn a warthog and start customizing it weaponry,tires,engine, same goes for tanks and all other vehicles from human to forerunner now there was another idea you could go through a door into a open area and actually build and create space craft like frigates battleships ect from human to forerunner and launch them into space ie actually go in the ship and take off or launch it through a computer terminal while staying planet side to build other space craft and another thing as players we would like to see more vehicle options add more to the game (that can be used in forge and not champaign for example THE PELICAN) the garage idea has been floating around and i would like to see this revolutionary idea actually put into the game instead of it just being talked about lets see if we can get 343 industries to put this into the game
  8. um question so in forge i will be able to use the new pelican and the old one right because alot of players have been wanting to use the pelican that we know and love
  9. A THIRD DISC JUST FOR FORGE yea i like that idea but its just a idea just saying
  10. i like that idea also the supercarriers from the covenant as well well all the space vehicles of both sides
  11. ok BUT when i piece the ships together they should autimatically like lock together but show i in a visualization too so we know that the ships is locking together (not jut locking together but also diverting the eletrical power to the other section of the ship
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