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Deacon Bluz 23

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Everything posted by Deacon Bluz 23

  1. I found him and I am moving on to the next campaign. Thank you.
  2. Thanks, I cannot find Capt. Keys. I keep getting lost and I thought he was on the drop ship but he isn't. He's not in the brig either. Thanks for responding and the offers, my nephew and I are trying to finish the level but he's no help as he is only a little boy. Me, I am totally lost. WTH ?
  3. Truth and Reconciliation. I am lost without your help. Thanks Man, or Woman.
  4. Forgive my ignorance, I need to know if it will be available as both disc and DLC or only one of the formats. It seems to me that both would be ideal since xboxes tend to break down.
  5. By the way, I typo'ed the 180 "minutes" in my original post. I meant 180 seconds.
  6. Did you mean "later" time ? If so, I have done that but the option is limited to set it between never and 180 seconds.
  7. Thanks for the response, what is a layer time? I will check it out but I have not seen that option yet. I will look for it. It is a slayer game setup for a custom game. Thanks again.
  8. Does anybody know of a way to gradually incorporate an FX in forge ? Specifically later in the game, not just in the first 180 minutes? And why does the FX first used not dissolve/expire. I would like to have a day to night FX in my custom game but the original FX used will not go away, instead it spawns on top of the next one. Any suggestions will do. Thanks.
  9. While Firefight needs some improvements there is no reason to completely remove it. I found that FF was the easiest, fastest way to rank up and played tons of FF games. I ranked up to Inheritor playing FF in about 8 months. Improvments could be in the way of more maps, more drop ships and vehicles to destroy, some UNSC reinforcements and some more of those crazy Elites.
  10. When you make it to Inheritor then it doesn't matter anymore. I am finding that it is difficult, now that I am an Inheritor, to play Halo Reach at all anymore. Yes, it is a ***** to deal with the cap when you are trying to rank up, I dealt with it for just over one year but, it is not a good idea to get rid of it when you have so many players AFK. Patience and endurance, that's what it takes, not getting rid of the cap.
  11. I do, off and on but lately it has been full of screenshots not of me.
  12. Just wondering. Some friends have requested my assistance but before we start I would like to make sure that it won't be a waste of time. Any thoughts ?
  13. I used to use the Bungie emblem but since Bungie is no more (as far as Halo goes) I decided to wait and see if any other (new) ones emerge. I don't like the other ones that are available now and I think the new star one is lame. This does not mean that the people/gamers that use the star are lame it is just not one that I care for or wish to use.
  14. Sorry to hear you lost your map, this happened to me too. I worked for days to perfect a couple of maps and lost them to the Forge bug also. Not much I could do. I lost them in the exact same way. I remember that I was browsing community maps, downloading them and then when I went to my map, it took me to another map and I could not retrieve my created map. It was a total waste of time and energy. Just when my map was somewhat perfect (in my opinion) too. Don't give up, make a new map and, be more careful about browsing and downloading.
  15. Thanks for the replies and assistance. I have done the math myself but I guess what I was really interested in was the Chrono Rank Progression. As for when I become an Inheritor, I gues I'll get there when I get there, sometime in the not so distant future. Good luck all and thanks again.
  16. Chuckie vs. Leprechaun
  17. Does anybody know if there is a way for me to find out or determine the progression of my rank progress? Does any website track the date at which I became, for instance, a Captain, Major, etc.? I know that I became a Forerunner on July 30th and that's all. I would like to know all of the dates when I became each previous rank, from Private to where I now rank. Reason being is that I would like to attempt to determine how long it will take me to reach the final rank of Inheritor.
  18. Just wanted to say hello. Cervesas for me, on you. I do enjoy reading the forum(s) but rarely comment on them myself. Hope you all have a good day and a great fight.
  19. Greetings to all. If you meet me in battle (as a foe) you will probably kill me various times. If I kill you, it is only because I got lucky or maybe you weren't looking. Just don't let it be because you were AFK. I hate those guys.

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