Hello all. I'm looking for players to test maps with.
If you have a map and want it tested come Join me, SludgingSnipe, on 25 feb 2013 @ 1:00 pm EST. If you don't know what time that is in you time. Leave me a message and I'll let you know.
If you have a map, but it's not for the 'Meet your maker' Contest. That's fine. We'll test it out.
Also, If you don't have a map, you can join anyway.
However, Players with maps for 'Meet Your Maker' will get priority, then players with maps not for the Contest, then players who just want to join.
Here is the list so far:
1. SludgingSnipe - The Compound
2. Fragsturbait - The Wedge
Leave your GT and map name in a comment, if you'd like to have it tested.