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Bloody Duckers

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Everything posted by Bloody Duckers

  1. I really miss Sandbox I would fall in love with 343 if they brought it back.
  2. You should start out with a flat land, have the ability to make grass, hills, rock, water, etc. The engine should be improved so you can have large maps with many objects, and there be no frame rate issues (lag). You should not have to start a new round or end the game to change the game type. All the game type settings should be available while in the game. UNDO BUTTON. More file share slots. Like 50-100. Not just 24. BRING BACK V.I.P. Have more than just 2 lights (at least 4 like Halo 3) Well that's all I can think of for right now. Thank you 343 for reading this (If you read it)
  3. I think the upcoming game Halo 4 should most defiantly include Forge. I think this because I am a forger myself, and I know many other people who love to forge just as much as me, and some even more than me. If forge was not in Halo 4, for some odd reason, then I might freak. I am also sure many others would be very disappointed as well. Their is a very large, and strong forge community out there who can not wait to make fun, and exciting new content for the epic game we all call Halo 4. And who doesn't enjoy some good old fashioned community created content, I mean that's what Halo is, just one big community. I have a lot of faith for 343, and I am sure they will bring back our baby Halo - Bloody Duckers
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