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Fatal Crysis

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Everything posted by Fatal Crysis

  1. I feel so behind not keeping this up to date on here on 343i.org cause of my stupid foot injury :(

  2. I definetly need to be on here more often and posting more gaming or Halo related community topics or news for you guys :(

  3. 343 Industries is working with now with DICE, the makers of Mirror's Edge and the first two Battlefield: Bad Company's and creating a brand new gaming studio for the Halo Franchise. The link below will provide the details for everyone that is interested because it's a interesting topic for everyone below to discuss about and let me know what you guys think! Later guys -Fatal Crysis Kiki Wolfkill, who has one of the coolest names in the video game industry, and Frank O’Connor from 343 Industries took the stage at D.I.C.E. to talk about the challenges of building a brand-new studio, and taking over the massive "Halo" franchise. O’Connor began by explaining the daunting challenges of building that new studio. The first challenge was to build the studio itself, while the second was to take over a beloved franchise that a lot of people had developed a deep love and appreciation for. That brings a tremendous amount of pressure to a team and a product, when you are expected to create something that the wants to be great right out of the box. Communicating to the wide "Halo" audience was a new challenge for the company, which really began to stretch its legs when they released the "Halo: The Fall" of Reach novel back in 2001. According to O’Connor, that was pure opportunism on their part, but it opened up the transmedia options for the franchise as a strategy for communicating the nature of the universe and the backstory to the audience. All but two of their novels have been New York Times bestsellers, which has expanded the property beyond just the people who play the game. This created new challenges for the series, as now the stories from the novels and the events from the game needed to intersect and branch out, which caused them to sit down and map out a 10-year plan for the series, which involves things like novels, web series, television commercials, the games, and more. “People often talk about the Halo Story Bible, as if it’s a dusty tome that we keep,” O’Connor said, but went on to explain that it is actually just a set of different things, most of which are available to people at home. Case in point is the Didact from "Halo 4," which many players come in seeing as a bad guy that they have to face. But if you’ve read the Greg Bear Forerunner novels, it means something entirely different to you. All of their storytelling or marketing eventually pays off in the games, thanks to what O’Connor refers to as a massive wiki that they work off of. Which is a challenge to maintain and communicate to the creators, as things like motion comics, more novels and video series keep being created. Wolfkill pointed out that Thomas Lasky was introduced as a young cadet in the Forward Unto Dawn series, which allowed them to spend more time exploring his character in the series than you normally would want to in a game, in the interest of time. O’Connor added that he sort of brings the player up to speed on the Halo universe in "Halo 4," and actually introduces the gamer to Master Chief. Being able to introduce him before the game was an added facet for the people who go beyond the game, which is something the company wants to continue to do. Bungie had a great relationship with their community, and 343 has had to take that baton and run with it. A team of twelve initially had to begin working on the game, while maintaining and engaging that community. “This is a constant, ongoing thing that you have to nurture,” O’Connor said, noting that this new community had no reason to trust them when they brought the franchise to 343. Wolfkill noted that they brought the community into the equation early, as they started building the studio. “Getting them onboard with us was hypercritical. We really wanted the community to hopefully be a part of our success, and building our success.” O’Connor said that communication is best when it works as a two-way system, and that both sides benefit from this process, whether it’s between the studio and the team, or the studio and the community. He noted that they haven’t done everything perfectly, as illustrated by a herp derp Cortana, but that they are completely open about their missteps and their successes, which strengthens the result for everyone. Link: http://multiplayerbl...ios-and-halo-4/
  4. Work in the AM this sucks but what can I do :/

  5. Hey no problem Dog, be on the look out for anything news related wise and keeping an eye out it too
  6. I want to bring up this as a discussion for you guys and us as a community for your thoughts, opinions, statements etc about the future of gaming and gaming companies like Activison and Bunige. We had a great discussion and conversation about the contract deal between Activison and Bungie for 10 years they are under in last weekend's custom game night on Friday evening. If you some of you are or not aware the bottom line is that it's been 4 years now since Bungie and Activison signed a contract together for 10 years as both of one of the biggest gaming companies out their in the market. What the contract states that " It gives Activision exclusive rights to publish the games, and Bungie retains all rights to the intellectual property."-USAToday.com If your also reading the news lately on current gaming trends or just news in general some of you may or may not heard of Bungie's in development video game aside from what we all know from the Halo Franchise as Bungie's game "Destiny". Now we have seen some screenshots and some know little information about the game but in the contract between Activision and Bungie and quoted from the Los Angeles Times from May 21st, 2012 it states that " The 27-page agreement calls for Bungie to develop four "sci-fantasy, action shooter games," code-named "Destiny," released every other year, beginning in the fall of 2013. Bungie also agreed to put out four downloadable expansion packs code-named "Comet," every other year beginning in the fall of 2014. Activision has never disclosed release plans for Bungie's titles.The first Destiny game will initially only be available on Microsoft's Xbox 360 consoles, as well as its potential successor, which the contract refers to as the "Xbox 720." Later games would be made for Xbox consoles as well as Sony Corp.'s expected successor to the PlayStation 3, and on personal computers. Bungie would be entitled to royalties ranging from 20% to 35% of "operating income," the amount left over after Activision deducts its costs, including development, production and marketing expenses. Under the contract, which may have been amended since it went into effect on April 16, 2010, Activision would also pay Bungie $2.5 million a year in bonuses between 2010 and 2013 if the Bellevue, Wash., studio meets certain quality and budget milestones. Bungie gets another $2.5 million if the first Destiny game achieves a score of 90 or better out of 100 on GameRankings.com, a site that summarizes reviews by game critics."- Los Angeles Times.com We need to come and realize that so much has changed from four years ago and how the future of gaming is developing and changing rapidly and what is going behind the scenes it too. So with us as a community and myself I want everyone's in take on this and how is going to change from what we loved for all these years known as "Halo" to other projects that Activision and Bungie has stated and is working on. If I missed anything in this thread of topic, please message me or reply back on here and I would take the time to read each and everyone single of your guys' posts. We need to start thinking and act now in how this going to change for long and short term effects because we are Halo community and something like this needs to be bring up and discussed about. Constructive criticism and intake would be much appreciated guys and Absolute Dog wanted me to bring this up as a general dissucion posts and let me know what you guys think! Thanks guys for the time reading this. -Fatal Crysis Sources: http://content.usato.../1#.UQB1sfLjOSo http://www.latimes.c...0,3463781.story Full Contract Here: http://documents.lat...ision-contract/
  7. Just wondering if anyone here on the forums community is by any chance a football fan and watches or has been to a Premier League match in the UK? I only can watch the matches here in the United States but just wondering if their is any fans out their that watches football or just the Barclay's Premier League in general? Sorry Chelsea FC fan right here and loving it!! <--- Possibly thinking about getting FIFA 13 for the Xbox 360 if anybody has it or no? Just let me know down in the comments section below and just wondering that's all. Thanks guys!!
  8. Got a Halo 3 Race Map Remake in Mind from a good friend of mine that I raced with back in the days of Halo 3

    1. Vaulting♥Frog


      I suck at driving but I look forward to playing around with it on a customs night


  9. If you may or may not know me by I go by the of Fatal Crysis and I have been in two Custom Game Nights on here at the forums of 343Industries.org. I am relaxed chill and flexible person to work with anyone in terms of Forge Projects including my own projects in terms of Racing. I make my race tracks that I get inspired towards in what ever comes in my mind. So I am happy to be here because I like to be innovative and creative towards my race maps and put all my heart and passion into them. If you wanna check out some of my recent maps I belong to another community forge website called xForgery.com and they are great guys over their too. So if you like what you see, I have ideas that I am thinking over at the moment to think of and make in Halo 4 Forge too. Thanks guys! -Fatal Crysis Recent Forge Maps:
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