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Everything posted by dillydally202

  1. one big fail is not being able to stay in first person view (unless i'm missing something i've every damn button to try and get back to fpv) because of all these suspicious kills (as in people not aiming at me and bullets still flying my way without a hint of stray bullets) i'm seeing on the kill cam during the game! I sure as hell would like to record that trash and put it on my file share!
  2. ok so it's ... simpler to do i guess. x,a,b, down on d-pad. but... when you walk, run, or crouch the weapon is readied. (back to aiming) you wont see this on your own screen, but someone else looking at you will. 343i will you please fix this? or was that your intention?
  3. where are the specializations that came with this update? engineer and stalker. it's not listed. ... sigh
  4. well the update has updated and still no new specializations even though the update said the engineer and stalker is available. finished episode 7. nothing. stuck at level 90 still at pathfinder >=(
  5. dude i have all except the engineer, stalker, , tracker, and rogue. wth . why are they? why cant i haz? are you for realzees?
  6. my problem is running out of ammunition. .. e_e yes I aim for the head.
  7. no. everyone else on sites like- like gamefaqs too people say you can complete it on co-op also.
  8. wrong because its all over the place you can get it in co-op too.
  9. i read on the youtubes and stuff that you unlock it completing campaign on legendary. i'm not good at the game. my cousin managed to get all the way up to infinity mission on solo and then had to leave. she only came to visit . can anyone help me?
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