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T O lR T A

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Everything posted by T O lR T A

  1. I've edited this thing around four times now and it doesn't get me the way you guys have your pictures posted... literally this is rocket science to me. Alright I found out how to do it, but then this website tells me that the picture is to extensive to place on the community @-@
  2. ummm.... their is a grid....
  3. I'm still struggling with my pictures lol. Really nice map though Wraith, you really did hit it out of the park especially with the location of your map.
  4. YYYYEEESSSS!!!!!! I finally found it! It took me 30 minutes but I found it!!
  5. I can't find the edit post thing to fix pics... *frustrated*
  6. I don't know why this bugs me, but I'm going to just say it... your trees look forced and unnatural considering they so happen to be in front of the bases and scatterred around. Also with lack of structure around the home bases to be able to push up to the opposing base.
  7. From looking at the last screenshot... I saw so many 4X4's for flooring. Wall Colly maybe?
  8. Scrapyard is a Meltdown inspired layout and built on the Erosion forge canvas. Scrapyard is an enduring battlefield that is strong for dominion, extraction and infinity slayer. This map uses the human drop set from matchmaking and their are X2 initial Rockets and X2 initial Snipers. Vehicles: Alpha Base: Gauss Hog X1, Ghosts X1. Bravo Base: Banshee X1, Charlie Base: Ghosts X2 Information: As Alpha base is on the lower grounds and farther away from B, it contains nice routes, a gauss hog and a more defensible base. Bravo Base contains a lift closer to the alpha routes and is also a self-positioned structure to the middle in the field for it to not be ignored. Their is a banshee on the second floor and their is accessibility on the second floor for it to be intruded. On Charlie Base, it is closer to the Bravo Base and is on higher ground which is the reason why Charlie has two ghosts and no supportive vehicle. Also to add on this is that their are teleporters on the map that work meltdown style where from the outskirts of the base it could teleport them into the base or onto the side of it for closer access. Alpha Base: Bravo Base: Overview 1 Bravo Base: Overview 2 Charlie Base: Download map: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/mexican%20torta%207/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=6d41948f-e582-4f30-a1f2-994deedd1ae3 I hope you all enjoy, This took a while to be perfected and it's still not perfect... but it got to the very best it could be. Featured on THFE
  9. Trench Warfare is more of a mini game than a competitive dominion map. It is understandable that you posted the map on the dominion submission but it acts as a mini game.
  10. I understand how you guys place extraction in part of the competitive section of THFE but having it separate would possibly interest alot of people. I personally enjoy extraction alot and I play it alot in matchmaking as well. You guys could even talk about the different types of extraction such as 2-site small, 1-site large and 2-site large. It would be an interesting section also to be able to put up more videos on it. If you guys want to keep it in the competitive section ( because it is competitive) that is perfectly fine. It is just an idea for the maps that play specifically for extraction or play the best for extraction.
  11. I play 95% Dominion. Send me a Friend Request, I've been looking for a good team too.
  12. Try not to go for the black ops II remake but create new routes and additional structures to add more scenery to your map. Attempt to create pathways for enhanced gameplay and also if you do have to take out cuts on your map due to gameplay, don't hesitate to do so. Also where you have the terminals try to create more of a base out of it such as a place you want to take hold of instead of holding a certain area, that would be more of extraction.
  13. Thanks, I didn't know. It was matchmaking oriented but did not know where exactly where to post this so I was like hey this is about matchmaking so it goes here. lol
  14. I've been playing these objective gametypes by myself too much and I feel to start a group. It could be as much as it needs to and if you play extraction and/or dominion most of the time, send me a message on xbox saying that you would like to join this so called group. We don't have to be a well-oiled machine but it is mainly for fun so you don't play alone if people from this group is on. It would be nice if you did have a mic to talk it doesn't have to be all callouts it could be all casual and it will be for wins. Again if you would like to join just send me a message via xbox. DO NOT SEND ME A FRIEND REQUEST BEFORE THE MESSAGE. I don't know you guys yet so send me one after the message so I know why you are sending me it. If this truly works out then I'll plan to make this bigger and better.
  15. Maybe the other people so called as "randoms" do not care about communication or winning but just playing the game. Halo 3 did have alot more communication going on I'm not sure why, but I'm assuming those were the people that loved halo and died out because they stayed on Halo 3 and/or Halo Reach. If you play alone you will usually be on a team with no mics, but when I'm by myself I invite other that did well on the carnage report to start a team and it would turn out that they had a mic this whole time but did not want to communicate during game. It is weird, it could be possible shyness or something.
  16. I could never snapshot like that, either luck would have to come in or I have to quickscope.
  17. I miss the perfection medal. Also if you are going to have a commendation for it at least make it longer. I finished perfection commendation around two months ago.
  18. I think it is just laggy from connections coming together.
  19. With requiem gone, I wonder what is gonna come next.
  20. To be honest, from Ch. 1 to Ch. 5 it was a dissapointment but from Ch. 6 things actually got good.
  21. Halsey should get mad. But will she control that anger. I don't know what I'm saying but I do hope that whatever happens it would stir up a crazy story.
  22. It would be cool if you could be able to use a pistol while driving the mongoose.
  23. I really do wonder what would happen in Season 2 and what the main story would be.
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