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    New York
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    Bass Guitar, Music, Led Zeppelin, KISS, Rush, Halo, Assassin's Creed

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. I think red means popular or "hot" thread.. But idk when it gets an update they will probably change it anyway.
  2. Wow, 343 really needs to beef up their security...
  3. I don't really like big signitures because they take up alot of room and end up making the thread look "cluttered"
  4. Isn't that what the report button is for?
  5. I could see seperate Campaign/Firefight and muliplayer/forge disks happening. But then again it might be a pain to have to switch all the time. I could see people playing multiplayer and never touching campaign because they don't want to witch disks
  6. gob


    I would love to see this would make firefight less boring, and maybe make the harder difficulties, a little easier. There should be an option to turn them on or off.
  7. that was a different arbiter. An arbiter is someone the covenent choose to go on a suicide misson... If you watch the opening cut scene in Halo 2, it's explained a little in there
  8. I have noticed that alot of people on this forum have spelling and grammar issues...
  9. I hate hayabusa, it makes you look like a power ranger...
  10. hopefully they change the noises they make, not completly, but a little. Because they make some odd noises that are just weird sometimes...
  11. gob


    back when halo 3 came out, this is what i was hoping it would be like. So id like to see it in halo 4
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