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Everything posted by wjc3688
Here we go again... I can't believe people are STILL posting these. The OP's rant just adds up to "re-release Halo 3." Folks need to realize that there is a big difference between a game being different from its predecessors and actually being bad or unbalanced.
I want the gauss hog to be nerfed. Thank goodness it's only on one map. Most annoying thing in the game bar none.
Now I can't think of her without immediately imagining how she will look with Kat's robotic arm.
Using damage boost boltshot makes my soul hurt for the other guy.
You should understand that these products were *not* originally made with MLG or tournament level gameplay in mind. They are at their core still entertainment products--designed and intended for casual enjoyment. The competitive mindset and community emerged from the players and was likely never even originally conceived by the game's developers. Hence you really don't have much right to complain to them about it.
- 43 replies
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I love the Mantis not cause I like to use it, but cause it makes my life so easy when a teammate hops in it. I can just follow it around and casually shoot down all the fools running at it to try and board it or PP it.
Yeah they already gave us not only a female spartan, but a female as the flippin commander of ALL the spartans. What more do you want lol
Master Chief's new AI companion will be. . . dun dun dun . . . ROLAND And the fandom collectively despaired.
It might be harder, but Halo campaign in general is piss easy, so meh.
If you really hate them another option to try is promethean vision. Nades are highlighted and seeing people's outlines through walls lets you know in advance when they're throwing them at/around corners. I agree that grenades are annoying with respect to the ability to spawn with plasmas, resulting in bad kids being able to cop out of an engagement occasionally when they get lucky enough with their tosses. But as for people blowing up hallways with huge volleys that's always happened in Halo afaik. It's not hard to anticipate when they're coming--just learn to recognize those situations and back off accordingly.
She seems to be our new Sgt. Rock character with a dash of the whole "women can kick *** too" thing (I don't figure it a coincidence that Gears 3 had the first female Gear while Reach was giving us Kat and now this chick in Halo 4). I want to see what she looks like under the armor! Either that or see her snap some Elite necks to prove why she's in charge.
Hilarious post is hilarious. Yes, clearly 3x copies to be sold with a ranking system. Cause CoD obviously fell flat without a ranking system to prop it up as a viable competitive shooter.
You're probably just putting yourself into bad situations or playing too aggressively. Most people I see dying to nades (me included) are those who are too eager to chase someone around a corner after getting their shields down. Now the kamikaze sticky guys who will just toss their plasmas even when they have a perfectly good chance of fighting back with other means, that is annoying, no doubt. But those guys usually miss unless you just run in straight lines like a nub.
Sounds like the problem is you. If you'd rather not know the DMR is overpowered or w/e, just stop caring enough to check the forums. Complaining about the tiniest details will always be rampant while the internet exists (in its current format anyways) even about superior products since it provides such an easy outlet for vocal minorities. If you let that get to you, that's your fault.
It is definitely a scrub weapon, but I will admit, hearing people scream at the top of their lungs when they die to it is priceless, so it's kind of a trade off.
- 20 replies
- Boltshot
- Matchmaking
(and 3 more)
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1. Yes, because I want to have a day or two of cruising through the bottom ranks and trolling noobs again 2. Yes, because if you are going to do all the work to implement ranks anyways, why not let people see it? 3. No, because so many people have no choice but to play with randoms, and teamwork is non-existent in such scenarios. Of course K/D doesn't work for similarly obvious reasons as well. Really there is no way to satisfactorily resolve such contingencies, so I'm pretty apathetic as to how ranks actually end up being calculated.
- 35 replies
Nah, that would be the people claiming that 343 is somehow losing "$$$$$" because MLG dropped Halo. I promise you that the vast majority of people who play the game don't care. I'd be willing to bet a very large portion don't even know that MLG has dropped the series, and won't know for a long time, if ever. The guy you quoted might not have written his post in a very high-minded tone, but I agree with his sentiment that those involved with the MLG community have a tendency to *vastly* overrate its significance. In reality, "competitive" MLG players are a tiny minority and the organization brings very little or no money to the companies making the games they feature; it's not shocking that devs aren't supporting MLG, what's shocking is that anyone could fail to understand why.
Meh, now that we have a CoD style XP system instead of "true skill" rankings, it really doesn't matter if you win or lose. Just take comfort in the fact that you know you're better than those kids.
Millions of gamers? Yeah, because obv. millions of people attend, watch and follow MLG events. Try checking the stream numbers next time you get the chance.
I don't know if it's "overpowered" (though it is obviously the best pistol weapon, unless the sticky det counts I guess), but OP or not I think it's just obnoxious as a spawn weapon. In my experience the boltshot leads to a lot of mexican standoffs where people just crouch next to doors or in corners waiting for someone to run in, and neither party can advance since the guy who's sitting still watching the doorway has the obvious advantage in getting the first shot off. It's boring, even moreso because so many utilize PV with it, crushing what little chance you may have had of catching them off guard. It would be better if they gave it more of the mauler's range imo, as is it's too easy to camp with it given the huge range that it can take shields out from. Charged boltshot --> DMR headshot feels like Halo 4's version of the noob combo to me.
Any xp tips? Also what you think about the new forge war games thing?
wjc3688 replied to EpicBeaver's topic in Halo 4
Pioneer was released to all players today so you're good on that. The only real advice I can give is that XP gain is based partially on how high your score is, which in turn is only affected by how many medals you get, not your K/D. So sitting back and doing nothing for a full minute to avoid dying is going to give you less XP than rushing in and dying a few times but maybe earning some kills and additional medals. Really though the biggest chunk of XP is awarded simply for completing the match at all, so the bottom line is to just keep playing. That and buy some mountain dew I guess. -
I agree it's better than its alternatives, but given that they all serve the same basic purpose, I don't see much reason for a nerf. If you nerf the DMR then one of the other 3 precision weapons will just be chosen instead, leading people to start complaining that the new most popular weapon is now "overpowered."
The reason people don't like the game is simply because it's new. They have the best memories of playing those old games (whether it be 1, 2 or even 3 that they started at) because it was their first experience with a competitive shooter and thus the formula was brand new and shiny to them. They don't like Halo 4 because playing it isn't evoking the same strength of feeling as playing that first Halo title did. Other people might be butthurt because they considered themselves "good" at older Halo games but are having trouble adapting to this title where everyone can sprint and the other team can potentially get power weapons anywhere, anytime. In reality, Halo 4 is not any "worse" or "better" than its predecessors, and pretty much any complaint anyone can make about it is subjective.
You seem to have a rather warped view of the way that these things work. Clan matches weren't removed because "noobs" thought they were being "ostracized"--there were plenty of other playlists for them and I very much doubt that any of these "casual" players cared that clanmatch playlists existed. Clan matches were removed because no one (ok technically, very few) people played them. You also seem to have this idea of Halo 2 as some kind of ascendant gaming format. In reality, Halo 2 only seemed so dominant because at its time CoD 4 had not yet been released, and no one knew that anything else besides the Halo formula could really be done. The fact that the advent of CoD led to Halo declining in popularity and eventually shifting its gameplay more towards that of CoD simply goes to prove that only a small minority of people cared about "hardcore" gameplay and "true skill" in the first place. These games were made to just kick back and shoot people for fun, and that's what most folks buy them for. I don't think it's fair to degrade such people just because they aren't interested in attending tournaments.