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i love bungie

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Posts posted by i love bungie

  1. halo 4 campaign is rubbish hardly any tanks men etc to help you the new enemies are annoying and hard/long to take down it hasnt got the team work that the rest of the halo's have like the way bungie made the game my favorite map in halo 3 was the third last mission i dont have one for this game cause its boring and i want bungie back!!!!!!!!


    In my opinion, Halo 4 had one of my favorite campaigns in the series. It showed the human side of Chief , rather then him just being a war machine. It was actually emotional because I felt bad for the Chief and we had to break our balls to rescue her in Halo 3. I loved the ending and even though it was a 5 hour campaign, it still was one of the best campaigns in my eyes in the Halo series.

    that is the worst thing ive ever heard



    The campaign sucked **** and we all know it. Promethians instead of brutes & infected was the stupidest idea of all time. What is wrong with the checkpoints ?!?! Why don't you idiots make them a little farther apart next time - I think there's still a wall in my house that I haven't punched a whole through yet! Try the campaign on solo legendary if you think you know what you're talking about smartass halo **** suckers.

    I agree 100% with every word with no swearing

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