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El Silverado

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Everything posted by El Silverado

  1. I like how everyone is saying Black Ops will suck. It will be different from past CoDs as said in interview I'm thinking of buying both Halo and CoD this year Like I been doing
  2. oh ummmmmmmm. I don't have any dreams :'( Would you rather drive and make it to home in a Chevy or stall on the road in a Ford?
  3. I think it should be in the middle of map and the teams would have to fight for control. Operating it should require teamwork too like the Warthog
  4. Sounds fun. I have a couple of fails actually. Here another one
  5. Its me your local 343Industries truck driver returning! I had suffered a minor inconvenience and will be more active now. Its great to be back!
  6. This forum is very good community. I am proud to be a part of it
  7. This is very important to reduce anyone being mauled by a redneck: Do not under ANY circumstances eat El Silverado's donuts
  8. *falls off a cliff* Marine:I gotta get Cortana outta there!
  9. I was a little disappointed that this was on here already. That was a pretty **** move to put movies before people who have died defending each their own country. Anyway, today is Veterans/Remembrance Day. This is the day WW1 had ended at 11:00 AM on 11/11/18 with causalities of more than 22 million soldiers not including civilians. You can list those you know who have died in or after they served in action. I will list some below but I would like to give a warm Happy Veterans Day to Doc who have just returned from active duty and is now with his family. Now I will list others I know: Private Bob Latona (Navy) Korean War veteran Private Robby White (Navy) Korean and WWII veteran Private First Class John Latona (Coast Guard) Private Ryan McCurdy (U.S. Marines) Iraq War veteran Private Saul (Navy) Vietnam War veteran
  10. Include somewhere along the lines of not spamming smilies in shoutbox. Also 7 and 8 made me laugh hard...
  11. All is well. Pro tip: use task manager next time
  12. Father, I have a confession that may be the worst of them all. I threw a plasma grenade and it stuck on his face, but when it did he fired his rocket launcher and accidently betrayed his teammate. I.... I approached him and tbagged him till his body disappeared.
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