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El Silverado

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Everything posted by El Silverado

  1. Becuase they think the United States gov't is Communists which it isn't its a Republic.
  2. IKR. They have to earn all their money by subscriptions in one form or another to not be considered less of a joke by Company or Team (Autmobile manufacters) Sponsors
  3. Watching organize tryhards? Sad but entertaining.
  4. Playing custom games with others, but that time has long since pass. Now I just play some Invasion and BTB.
  5. Here a musical: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJV202TpGrY
  6. For a thing to have one thing there must also be another thing.
  7. What? Its as random as any of those vids.
  8. They minimize audience greatly so they won't give away all the 1,000,000 MS points. That or the contest planner fails at marketing.
  9. I was wrong .... people really do pay attention to commercial.
  10. Atleast he died doing something he liked instead of dying in a hospital. Thats all I have to say.
  11. Post any kind of fail here. Posts, pics, or vids are welcome. Here's mine: Keep it clean
  12. I don't understand. I thought we pulled all the troops out ? Or you just stationed?
  13. Don't you thinks thats a little much? OT: CE engine could not handle Xbox Live so 343 used Reach's engine for multiplayer.
  14. When you put halo bumper stickers on your truck.
  15. How about HUD color customization?
  16. Well I technically have Halo Zero but its a short story that I haven't finish writing yet.
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