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El Silverado

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Everything posted by El Silverado

  1. Timesplitters: FP I miss that game since it can't play on Xbox 30.
  2. Who said I read the incident from the internet? I sure didn't.
  3. Get majority playlist size with party then go to Objctive playlist and veto till you get stockpile.
  4. There was an earthquake afterwards. And they were re attempting the United States earthquake in Virginia becuase CIA got attacked and Russia getting all paranoid. Fact of shockwave: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgGFThlEeGE&feature=related Most likely a underground tactical nuke or a nuclear accident as the CIA was moving equipment that day. And latter is old news.
  5. !st: If we were to sluaghter every muslim in sight. It will bring a political ****storm. It is best to trail "suspected" terrorists while taking lethal action on terrorists who have already struck. That way no one can play the "execution without trail" card
  6. Order: Activate Installations Code: Alpha Tango Mike Helo Kilo Delta Bravo Zero Three Four Three Secondary: Activate Shield World Engima, Onyx, Sigma IV
  7. Well, Mw2 brought out my inner Louisiana redneck rage. Which was this guy with infinite grenade launchers. Halo taught me to tbag the MLG braggers. Killzone taught me to shoot an RPG. Battelefield demo taught me to ditch my squad as they are completely useless Halo Reach taught me how to not make a game. CoD4 taught me espoinage.
  8. no offence but isn't this name changing going a little too far?
  9. Youtube has some very helpful stuff....
  10. Yes, I am an old truck driver with a cowboy hat, loose shirt, and jeans. Joined on June 28th lol
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7chxEpzttg&feature=player_detailpage#t=39s skip to 0:38 in vid above The sounds source was stated in the "C.R.U." Russian News (translated). Ukraine was testing nukes to duplicate recent events in Colorado and Virginia.
  12. There's no "give a Ford" option. Driving one would be the worst abuse yet.
  13. The point is not U.S. involvement. Its nations joining together to fight Al Quada. Other countries had their own versions of 9/11 (like the Moscow train bombing.) So I'm just suggesting that nations band together to stop Al Quada from killing everyone.
  14. You're right. The person above me has a nice photoshopped version of Coruscant. The person below me owes me $50,000,000.
  15. If you mean the Forerunner saga idk as I have never read but there are atleast six rings still existing. The only one destroyed was Installation 4 and its replacement ( the ring on the Ark).
  16. If only they had an actual singing elite as an easter egg.
  17. Those were attacks/invasion. The world is being "attack" by Al Quada. And trust me politicians didn't even try to make peace after 9/11 they just wanted so much popularity.
  18. The person above is not afraid to show his colors. The person below me has wreck their warthogs becuase it was a Ford.
  19. The person above me is scary at times. The person below doesn't have a supercharge v8 in their trucks.
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