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El Silverado

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Everything posted by El Silverado

  1. I personally think we should continue fighting Al Quada before they kill more people. They are already threatening and attempt to bomb us. I'm not saying going in killing everything in sight, I mean to neutralize Al Quada in a nonlethal or lethal act. Just sitting here hoping they don't kill more people isn't gonna work. Keep it clean.
  2. ..... I need popcorn and donuts OT: What team you play for?
  3. I actually think its funny. Its like there's an acopylipse for no reason.
  4. Welcome. You remind me of when me and a group of people were starting a new round of blackjack and I laid $110 on the table and everyone backed out. I felt awesome somehow.
  5. I am a little disgusted that MW3 is being released on 9/11 becuase it is showing a massive massacre in New York City on a memorial day of hundreds dying.
  6. I would steal everyone's credit card (for gas) then go on da open road.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td_CQ5IjAew&feature=related
  8. hbgv <----- results of a facedesk. They are listening to fans.
  9. I take it you finished watching "I Am Legend"?
  10. You have a case of missing identity...you are trying to find yourself.
  11. The guy's ideas were good but he was trying to change the wind. He should've started with a new franchise like Dead Island.
  12. Peaches is a site member. Best bet would be Twam if nothing works with Spectral Jester (no offense Jester).
  13. Nothing but people wanting you to stay becuase well idk, they want you around ??? Goodluck finding another site where you are apreciated by its ACTUAL members.
  14. Other people shouldn't affect your decisions in that way. Its been a good run man.
  15. *yeehaw* Also I'm smart enough to leave my underwear on while doing it. Person above me has a nice accent. Person below read this post and is still reading this post.
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