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Everything posted by Frankenzer

  1. lol same here, took me 4 hours to animate my "trailer" then I realized 5 minutes of a smooth stop motion could cost you the whole day, so I gave up. The trailer was crap too lol
  2. I play halo wars everyday. At first I just wanted to get the achievement for being a general(which is what I'm still doing now lol), but after a while I thought it was quite fun to be competitive in multiplayer. It's still quite active, you'll get surprised Waiting time for a match is usually 1-15 mins and it's still as competitive as always. I still feel like arby's a bit OP though lol
  3. Congratulations TD, you deserve it
  4. Once again, congratulations TD BTW his post is number 343 for this topic
  5. I agree with batman. This joker looks a bit of a try-hard. Heath Ledger was a better joker, but I'll give this guy a chance
  6. It's still a nice collection Have you ever considered doing a stop motion video?
  7. I think everyone who has voted rue is mafian, just my opinion though I vote yoshi
  8. All in favour of lynching caboose the moment he comes out of a list, say aye!
  9. I lost your contact in Skype. Can someone give it to me?
  10. Day 6 "Is it true brother, that there is a traitor" the Spec-Ops Elite asked the Elite Ultra "What you ask, I cannot answer. The Elite Councilor died believing it was me. The fool lost himself in the end." the Elite Ultra answered. "Do you think the new leader is capable of leading us to victory?" the Spec-Ops asked. "Only time will tell, brother. The Honor Guard Ultra may be a good warrior, but he is young." ---- "Me order bad guy to release me!" the storm grunt said as the Spec-Ops Elite brings him close to the neural scanner. The Spec-Ops Elite didn't say a word. He activated the neural scanner and suddenly, killing a grunt wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. The scanner scanned him instead. "By the prophets-!" the Spec-Ops Elite wasn't able to finish as the scanner killed him during the scanning process. "Me sabotage bad guy's machine! --- Kakashi_Hatake, Spec-Ops Elite, Lynched.
  11. Just finished the Last of Us. What an ending.....

  12. Night 6 "There is no other choice oracle." the Elite Councilor said with a hint of rage. Despite not believing in the Covenant's beliefs anymore, he is accustomed to calling the monitor, Oracle. "Your plan is,in my opinion, foolish. If there are only two of them left, why resort to killing the entire crew?" the oracle said. "A traitor is among our ranks. There is no one else I can trust but you and myself, oracle. There is no other choice." "I am well aware that only AIs can go rampant, but in this situation I believe you are going rampant." "Say what you want to say Oracle. After this night ends, the ship will be safe enough to return home." the Elite Councilor said as he left the room. Minutes later, the Oracle heard plasma fire and then there was silence. "Oh dear........" that was the only thing the Oracle could say. ----- "You are the traitor, are you not!?" the Elite Councilor said as he pinned the Elite Ultra to a wall, energy sword drawn. "Brother, have you gone mad!?" the Ultra exclaimed. "No I haven't, but the same cannot be said to you. Confess now and I will make your death swift!" the Elite Councilor said. "Then you leave me no choice..." the Elite Ultra replied as he effectively slammed his elbow at the Councilor. He picked up his Carbine and slammed it at the Councilor. The Councilor slashed the Carbine in half with the Sword. The Elite Ultra kicked the Councilor in response, removing his really powerful shielding in the process. The Councilor fell down a hole that leads to the hangar. "Forgive me, brother." the Elite Ultra whispered to himself as he left the scene. --- The hangar was very dimly lit and only the glow of plasma batteries provided the Councilor some sight. His sword slipped from his hand during the fall. His plasma rifle was lost too. He now has no way of defending himself and the thought made him shiver. He saw a green glow from a distance and before he could react, it flew towards him. The batteries near him made the resulting explosion stronger, knocking out his newly recharged shields. He knew better than to take a hunter on, without weapons, but where's the honour in fleeing? The batteries that provided him sight was no longer there. He couldn't see but rushed towards where the fuel rod came from. To his delight, it was merely a grunt with a fuel rod canon. "Me kill bad guy!" the storm grunt said. "Stupid grunt" the Councilor said to himself as he took the fuel rod canon from it without much resistance. He then shoved the grunt out of his way as moved as cautiously as possible. He thought everything was going to go well, but to his horror, he heard rampaging form the distance. "Yay! Big Guy Fight Time!" the storm grunt yelled. The Elite Councilor now regrets not killing the annoying thing. He fired 2 shots of fuel rod at it then he yelled in rage as he found out it was out of ammo. He rushed towards the hunter and slammed the empty fuel rod canon at it. The hunter countered by slamming its heavy shield towards the Councilor. His shields softened the impact, but he was too weak to get up. No one was saving him from what was about to come. The hunter charged its fuel rod canon and fired. --- Self Destruct, Elite Councilor, Executed. Suspect List: Ash Crescent Sniper Church Kakashi_Hatake
  13. I'd think twice about ignoring The One if I were you
  14. Frank is so pro I can't believe I missed this one. What an awesome read
  15. Another awesome read The first part though
  16. Day 4 An Elite Ultra pushed a struggling Jackal to the ground as the Stealth Elite cuffed both its hands. "Silence you insolent fool! Do not resist!" the Elite Ultra yelled as the Jackal struggled to break free. The Stealth Elite examined the Jackal's beam rifle in hopes of finding proof that it was indeed, a member of the Covenant Remnant, but he found nothing. An Elite Councilor appeared behind the stealth Elite. It seems that after the Spec Ops Commander's death, he took charge. He looked at the struggling Jackal. "Brother, if you are indeed not one of them, you will volunteer yourself to be tried. It will kill you but you will die with honor. You have been accused and there is nothing you can do" the Councilor said. The Jackal seems to have heard nothing. It kept on struggling and the Councilor nodded to the Ultra. He made the Jackal unconscious by using slamming a plasma rifle at its head. "You left us no choice" the Councilor said as the Ultra and Stealth Elite brought the Jackal to the neural scanner. Minutes later, the results came out. The Jackal had questionable loyalties but it was not a member of the Covenant. ------ Latios, Jackal Sniper, Lynched
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