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Everything posted by Frankenzer

  1. I won't blame you. I've been acting hostile to everyone lately.
  2. You said that Delpen is confirmed as a mafian, so I said we're going to win. I never said I was a mafian you assumed I was.
  3. I don't care if you think I'm a mafian. I just want the pro town to win.
  4. Guys, we have to start voting with sense here or we won't win at all
  5. Nice to see you're back. I don't know if you remember me, but I remember you from the Halo wars event thread

    1. JC15


      Yeah, I kinda remember, but it has been awhile.


  6. Just got back from camping and I'm so tired -__-

    1. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      Hope you had fun. Get some rest dude.

  7. I could say the same to you Axilus. Then again, I don't have any basis at accusing you aside from the fact that you seem to be trying to get everyone's trust. The same trick I used when I was a mafian. I was just saying that we need proof before voting. At least a bit of evidence will do. I never said anything about not voting
  8. Let's not go on voting without proof this time, shall we?
  9. I might not be able to post for 2 days because I will go camping. Thanks to all those who read my fan fic. I honestly thought no one would bother reading my work.
  10. The UNSC Nightlight only has 2 Pelicans in the hangar. They didn’t have a pilot too, so Richard would have to drive the Pelicans himself. Jake wasn’t sure if that was going to work. The AI might malfunction and bring them all to oblivion, but the Captain managed to assure them that Richard can pilot a Pelican better than most UNSC pilots. Oh well, guess I have to trust the Captain then..... “Are you all ready for your flight?” Richard appeared out of nowhere. Jake knows that the AI is practically the ship itself, but he didn’t know that it could appear everywhere it desired. It even speaks now like everyone in the ship has known each other for years. He saw Josh speaking to another Spartan. It was Kyle. Kyle and Josh practically almost have the same attitude, so they get along very well. Jake wondered why the two of them weren’t paired instead, but he already knew the reason. Kyle’s partner was Mark, a silent Spartan like himself. The two pairs were rivals during training, and that carried on until actual missions. “First one to complete their mission wins...” Jake over heard Kyle talking to Josh and Josh looked like he already accepted the challenge. “Hope you’re all prepared because we have to leave right now!” The sergeant came out of nowhere and interrupted everything that was happening. The Spartans were briefed on what to do by Richard, so they all got to their assigned Pelicans. They were assigned on the Pelican going to Honeywell and rescue as much as they can, while Kyle and Mark were assigned on the Pelican that was going to the Covenant ship and hijacking it. The sergeant was coming with the one going to Honeywell. He was still unsure if the AI was capable of piloting the Pelican. It was given stealth abilities like almost all ONI tech does so it won’t be detected so easily. Maybe it won’t be detected at all. The question is: does it have the fire power once it does get detected? “Fasten your seatbelts boys we’re taking off!” Richard had a rather jolly tone despite all that was happening. The takeoff was smooth and Richard seemed to have control of almost everything. Josh was seated in front of him and the Sarge was on his right side. He wondered what was happening outside. Josh was rather silent, maybe because it was the presence of the Sarge? He lost track of time until he heard a loud bang. The back of the Pelican opened and they all jumped out without being told to. They were on an area full of burning crops and equipment. He saw dead grunts, jackals and marines, and a few phantom wreckages. Was Richard the one who took them all down? He was informed that the planet had no defence against ships, so that must be the case. He must’ve drifted away in thought when Richard was taking them down. Suddenly, he was back on the field. Josh was beside him taking down the Covenant with his Razor. The other Head hunters were working in pairs and taking Covenant scum down. He saw the Sergeant in a distance firing at them too. “About time you woke up from your trance. Have you been day dreaming again?” Josh knew him too well. Something from a far blew up that took Josh’s attention. It took Jake some time to notice that it was another Phantom. He saw a wraith from a far but it all blew up. It was a direct hit on its weak spot from Richard. “Damn, Richard knows how to shoot”
  11. I forgot I was joining this game :/ Anyways I won't vote anyone until I have evidence
  12. Welcome to the forum. I will be your guide. Feel free to pm me about anything you need. Or better yet, ask the shout box. Have a nice stay
  13. Chapter 3: Location: Human colony world of Honeywell Private Lance reloaded his battle rifle as he prepared to take down more of those little aliens. There were 50 marines just 2 hours ago, but now there are 20. They were protecting a barn where the farmers were told to evacuate to. He signed up to protect some farmers, hoping for a peaceful life here. Instead, he thinks he signed up for an ET special suicide mission. They only had 2 warthogs and both are now scrap metal. These aliens just came out of nowhere. The planet didn’t have contact with any other UNSC forces for years. Maybe the UNSC left us here to rot? “Private, stay sharp! These ETs are stronger than they look.” his commanding officer, Sergeant Harold told him. They’ve been fighting small aliens and crocodile like aliens for some time now. He was surprised to see another alien. It was a tall alien with 4 mandibles. It wore blue armour that seemed to be protected by some kind of shield. Bullets seemed to be deflected by it like it was nothing. Never in his life did he feel so weak. “Don’t lose hope; we have to keep them out of the barn! The villagers depend on us!” Harold was being motivational, and this motivated Lance. He threw a grenade and it exploded on the tall alien. It seemed to have knocked off its shield. Do these aliens have genders? He asked himself. Curiosity would have to wait; he has to take down these aliens first. Suddenly, an alien ship flew over them and shot the barn where the farmers are being held. The ship dropped off more tall aliens and they seemed to have a blue sword. “Quick, get inside the barn!”Harold yelled. The small aliens were all down and only the tall one remained. Lance didn’t have to be told, he shot the tall alien and its shields seemed to have come back. He threw another grenade and shot it on its head. It fell on the ground. “At least we know they’re not immortal.” Lance said while running towards the barn. “Good job private” Harold replied. He saw the tall aliens chasing the farmers. His fellow marines threw grenades on them. Close enough to knock off the tall aliens’ shields, but far enough to prevent farmers from getting killed. All the marines shot the tall aliens and they were all down within a minute. He felt relieved, but this didn’t last. Out of nowhere, 10 of his marine allies were impaled by what seems like invisible swords. Everyone panicked and begun shooting. Some looked like they were hitting something, but it was no use. A blue grenade exploded and killed 5 more marines. “All farmers run as fast as you can!” Harold yelled while shooting his assault rifle everywhere. Lance decided to keep calm and focus, but he was hit by something. It hit him very hard, but he didn’t feel like he was dying. He was being unconscious. He struggled to stay awake, but his vision blurred. The last thing he saw was Harold being chocked by a tall alien in red armour. It then proceeded to impale Harold using a red version of the sword he saw the blue armoured ones using.
  14. Location: Inside the UNSC Nightlight orbiting Honeywell Jake double checked his weapon of choice,the Battle Rifle, to make sure it won't malfunction in the middle of a firefight. He noticed that it seemed to be a more upgraded version of the battle rifle he was used to. As a headhunter, Jake and Josh did several missions to prove their worth. They were simple spec ops, and it has been a long time since he engaged the Covenant head on. He was told that the other headhunters were given similar missions. Once they have proven themselves, they were going to be sent on more dangerous missions. This is probably another one of those missions, he told himself. Nonetheless, he knew the missions were getting harder and harder after every success. He knew they were prepared for anything though. Being a headhunter gave them privileges. He has access to advanced weaponry that is too expensive for the use of the everyday marine. This includes the energy disruptor, a hand held grenade like weapon that should be handled with care since it disables any Covenant plasma weapon, electrical device and energy shield it s EMP comes into contact with. Their armour is also designed especially for them. It's the same armour the Spartan IIs wear but a little bit modified for Spartan IIIs such as him. It has been given active camouflage,which is reversed engineered from Covenant technology and is probably a prototype. It also has a VISR function. He also had access to special weapons, most of which are prototypes. These include the razor, a sniper rifle like weapon that fires a long bullet that explodes 5 seconds after contact. It is supposed to be used for anti-vehicle purposes only, but Josh uses it for anti-infantry too. It was probably Josh's favourite weapon. Another weapon is the sticky detonator. It fires a bullet that sticks and explodes like the plasma grenade. He saw Josh ditch his active camo module for an armour lock module. Spartans could lock their armour anytime but this device makes armour lock stronger and has been known to withstand almost anything. It only lasts for a few seconds though, and when it deactivates it sends out some EMP that can be a double edged sword. It is practically a bad idea to use it at all, but Josh seemed to be fond of it. "Remember, always choose armour lock kids." Josh said while tossing an armour lock module at Jake. "You know I hate this" Jake said while tossing the module back at Josh. Josh simply returned it from where he got it. "One day, you'll understand why I like this" Josh said "One day, you'll understand how useless it is once you get your brains blown off while looking cool once it deactivates." Jake replied. Josh was armed with a Razor and a Spartan laser while he had a battle rifle and a magnum. They looked around and saw that their fellow Spartans were armed and ready to go too. They were now just waiting for further orders. Waiting to blow up some Covenant brains. That is, if they had any.
  15. I'm just glad I managed to join this time around
  16. Show those 12 year olds who's boss by blowing up their noob heads(in the game not in real life if anyone's wondering)
  17. Congratulations mate! It would really be funny if someone made a batman profile and decided to spread justice on this thread
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