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Everything posted by Frankenzer

  1. I think what you saw was Baconscript
  2. As bacon said normal ones are better (in my opinion) because not only do they seem like cheating, it makes it unfair for people with normal controllers.
  3. Henry checked the laser. It still had 3 more shots left. He watched in awe as a scarab dropped from above. He knew he had to take it down so he prepared himself. The Scarab was sure to past a bridge right ahead so getting inside a ghost, he knew he had get to the bridge fast to board the Scarab.
  4. Henry looked in amazement as a scarab towered in front of him. Forgetting he was being pursued, he allowed his guard to go down. It was too late when he noticed the chieftain. It prepared its hammer as Henry strafed to the side. The mongoose gets destroyed as he picks up a discarded spartan laser and aimed at the brute. "Time to sleep!" He says as the laser tore the brute apart.
  5. Meanwhile, Henry Clarkson hid among the shadows evading Covenant troops as he looked for rounds for his Assault Rifle. HE took a plasma pistol as a sidearm in case of emergency. A brute growled as he saw him. It was a chieftain, Henry ran as fast as he could while shooting the brute. HE came across a mongoose and decided to retreat using the vehicle.
  6. Name: Henry Clarkson Rank: Private Marine Appearance: 6 Ft. , 60 KG., Face: white skin, Clear of any pimples and facial hair, looks normal, short and shaved hair Armour: Marine Battle Dress,Ch252 Helmet, M52B Body Armor, VZG7 Amored boots Weapons: Assault Rifle, Plasma pistol Specialty: CQC History: Henry was born in Harvest where he had a good family. That all changed when the Covenant attacked. He was part of the initial Spartan 3 Alpha Company where he was turned out because he was too scared to jump. He joined the Marine Corps. and was sent to new mombasa to defend the city. He was the last member of his Fireteam.
  7. I can make my voice high and low just fine
  8. Is that REACH? My grandchildren will be blasting covenant baddies soon
  9. In case I die.......play Minotaur :D

    1. Percy Jackson

      Percy Jackson

      Why do you think you're gonna die caues your still living.

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      It's the Minotaur... he's playing mind games

  10. I wish I had an xbone seems cooler than thr xbox one...... Nice post bacon
  11. In a road trip I was getting bored then I decided to turn on my phone wifi and use my laptop. It felt really comfy seeing the road while on the forums. I also accessed it multiple times when the I was in SIngapore in the middle of a tour
  12. Can I go to your house Vangelis?
  13. Just got a perfect score on my science quiz

  14. WPCentral have uploaded this video from E3 showing the new Halo game which will be coming soon to Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. Halo: Spartan Assault is a twin-stick-style, top-down arcade shooter and is set between the events of Halo 3 and Halo 4. Players will be able to access weaponry through earning points or micro-transactions and will battle the covenant over 25 missions. The game was developed by by Vanguard Games and 343 Industries and will be available for Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8, but not any other platforms. Players will be able to start a game on Windows 8 and continue it on Windows Phone 8, and vice versa. Halo: Spartan Assault will be released for Windows 8 tablets, phones and personal computers in July for $6.99. http://wmpoweruser.com/halo-spartan-assault-demoed-on-the-nokia-lumia-928/ So what do you guys think? Did anyone here actually play the demo yet?
  15. I'll play as a pro if: There's no lag If my teamates are good If they don't leave me to do all the killing
  16. Yeah I really need those achievements for Reach
  17. The last time I saw someone use a lot of flamethrowers 3 of my grizzlies took them down but overall that is not a bad strategy especially when you fight covenant
  18. Edit: Chapter 5/Unknown Planet/Events of halo 2 Sergeant Hector prepares his Assault Rifle as the Pelican nears ground. They were sent to help the ODSTs who are having trouble and he was eager to help. “Prepare for touchdown, we’re not just going to stand by while the ODSTs fight Covenant scum” yells the sergeant with a loud voice “Aye Sir!”The marines yell in response When the pelican finally got as close as possible to the ground the marines jump out with one holding a rocket launcher. Just as the Pelican was able to take off it was shot by banshees using their fuel rod. The marines fire at the banshee successful in taking down two of them. The remaining Banshees headed for the warehouse. The Marines wanted to follow but was forced to hide in the downed Pelican as Covenant troops show up. “Dang it, we won’t be able to help the ODSTs in this rate” the Sergeant yells in an angry tune Plasma rained as the marines kept hiding, not wanting to take chances of their heads getting blown off. The Sergeant bravely took a peek and fired his weapon, killing 2 elites possessing no shields. Then the other marines followed, effectively taking down 4 grunts, 2 jackals and 2 more elites. They then went back to the safety of the downed Pelican. One of the marines threw a grenade that bounced off one of the jackal’s shield gauntlets but it landed near an elite and detonated, killing the elite. The Sergeant thought for a while, Elites without shields…. He wondered why they didn’t use them, or maybe they didn’t because they couldn’t. His thoughts were suddenly disturbed when 2 phantoms came to drop off additional troops. Plasma rained once again as one phantom dropped a wraith. The Sergeant thought for a while then knowing that the wraith would probably blow their cover, decided to distract the Covenant to allow his team to escape. “I want you to run to that warehouse over there as fast as you can. Whatever you do, don’t come back for me. Ryan give me that rocket launcher.” The Sergeant yells. “Sir, yes sir!” The marines yell as Ryan hands the rocket launcher to Hector. “In the count of three, one……two…….three!” After yelling that the Sergeant comes out of cover as the marines make a run for it. He shot 2 rockets and reloaded effectively distracting the covenant. As the Covenant counter, the Sergeant fires 2 rockets at the wraith effectively damaging it but it didn’t get destroyed. The Sergeant smiles because the marines got away without being noticed. He reloads while The Covenant keeps firing but doesn’t seem to be able to hit him due to him moving fast to the downed Pelican. The Wraith fires hitting and further damaging the Pelican but the Sergeant wasn’t there anymore. The Sergeant fires at the Wraith destroying it, when the captain spoke to his Com: "Any surviving ODSTs or Marines quickly report”. “This is Hector, I’ve got my hands full but I allowed my team to go to the ware house and meet with the ODSTs” “Good stay there and hold them I’ve got a surprise for you”, The Captain says in a confident tone Hector hides at the downed Pelican as 3 Covenant drop pods drop far from him but near the warehouse. He was confident that his marines made it and was ready to take on the Covenant once again. He comes out and fires his assault rifle, killing 3 elites. When he ran out of ammo he switched to the rocket launcher and fired two rockets. Both killed a lot of Covenant but a lot was still alive. He prepares for the inevitable as two hunters join the Covenant team that was already overpowering him. He was ready to die, when rockets came out of nowhere and killed all the Covenant scum. He watches as a Pelican goes near. A huge man approaches near the air craft’s exit as he says: “This is Spire team reporting, sorry we’re late”
  19. I suggest buying a Nokia Lumia because that seems to be the cheapest phone capable of playing this game
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