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Everything posted by Frankenzer

  1. I'm actually saving for windows 8 to get this game
  2. http://videos.halowaypoint.com/videos1/3f24b4f6e9d04b9b8875f14cdf224d12/2823877-smooth_apple-2152000.mp4 Would you guys buy a Windows 8 or a Windows 8 Phone just to play this? (Credit to JL for finding this for me)
  3. Time was your ally, (insert other game here), but now it has abandoned you. Halo has returned."
  4. Let me say Congratulations for being the Member of the Month again
  5. I never tea bag but when someone does it to me, he will get assassinated whether or not he likes it then I will melee his corpse
  6. Chapter 2 of my Novel is currently being written guided by everyone's feedback

  7. Ok then your feedback has been taken for consideration. If anyone else has feedback please don't hesitate to post I will gladly accept all
  8. Master Chief: "On Halo, you tried to kill Cortana. You tried to kill me." 343 Guilty Spark: "Protocol dictated my response! She had the Activation Index and you were going to destroy my installation. You did destroy my installation. Now, I only have one function: to help you, Reclaimer. As I always should have done."
  9. Chapter one/Location:Unknown(outer space)/Happened during the start of the events in halo 2 "It's been years since the Fall of Reach, I don't really know if we are the last of our kind...." The captain barely finished writing on his journal when an unknown planet appeared in front of him. "On second thought there is still hope...."He dropped his pen as the ship got near the white planet. "What is that?"The captain asked the bridge members but none could figure out what. He then began to access classified data about unnamed planets but found nothing. Just as the captain was about to look for more information he saw something that terrified him. In front of him 4 covenant ships appeared: 1 Super Carrier and 3 destroyers escorting it. Sir?, one of his crew asked "I know" the captain replied while clenching his fists. "Wake everyone from cryo sleep, scan the planet immediately', The captain looked as if he was getting ready for battle. "Aye sir!" everyone in the bridge said. "Sir, scans shows that the planet has an atmosphere almost the same with Earth's, temperature cold but still good enough to support life and the terrain shows a very snowy landscape but surprisingly.... it has vegetation. After hearing this the captain smiled and said "Good then send in the ODSTs let them scan the surface and let them find out what the heck The Covenant is doing here,accompany them with our last marine fireteam...Send the marines in a Pelican,undetected...." "Aye sir!" everyone said attentively. "Oh I almost forgot..."The Captain said softly. "Prepare for battle in case we get spotted" "Aye sir but what about the Spartans?"one of his crew members asked "Let them standby,they can do better than nukes. I'll send them in when the time is right."
  10. Why??!!! I was really looking forward to it but anyway halo wars is one of my top favorites so I guess its ok
  11. I'll never forget that Thanks to everyone who congratulated me
  12. If you have trouble here's the vid: https://www.google.com.ph/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDUQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DFtU1daQzU8o&ei=dKOsUbv2JoXNlAW2_4GQAw&usg=AFQjCNGLnXn3o2HkfEnLvX9vAMGZkgIc4w&sig2=Zo5OIteQHO__FLH8r2wGrA
  13. This is awesome. I'll be waiting for the next chapters
  14. Congratulations I think he really deserved it
  15. Prologue/ Location: Reach/ Fall of Reach/ Reach nearing it's end most if not all defenses destroyed the covenant are now beginning to glass the planet. Meanwhile the UNSC Arctic,a UNSC Marathon class frigate , was sent to evacuate civilians as it landed it dispatched almost all of it's infantry to escort civilians. The marines went to the building the civilians were held and to their surprise an elite group of spartans called Spire Team were already protecting the civilians from the bloodthirsty covenant army. The Spartans happily accepted the help of the marines. Clearing out almost all the covenant standing in their way of evacuating the civilians but to their surprise the building got blown up by almost 10 banshees unleashing their fuel rod cannons to destroy it. With the building's destruction came the deaths of all the civilians and almost all marine fire teams. All hope lost the captain of the UNSC Arctic, Captain Abraham Williams, commanded all the spartans and the marines to leave the battlefield and board the Arctic to get out of Reach. The marines immediately got on board but the Spartans hesitated but made their choice and they decided to leave knowing they wouldn't stand a chance against the covenant who are now glassing and destroying Reach. The Ship then proceeded to leave Reach after making sure no one was left behind. It unleashed all it's weapons at all the covenant ship it sees but it did little to no damage at all because of it's shields the ship then initiated a random slipspace jump, obeying the cole protocol. Before it was able to leave covenant ships fired at it but it was able to complete the jump. After this the ship found itself in the middle of outer space, it's translight engine damaged beyond repair. It's stuck now so the captain ordered everyone that is not needed to operate the ship to go to Cryo Sleep. The ship now operates under a skeleton crew.
  16. welcome to the forums we're gonna be good friends
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