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Everything posted by Frankenzer

  1. You should make your own school called halo forging academy
  2. I use to destroy a lot with it
  3. Wanna go for reach or do you really just want to go for halo 4?
  4. When using explosive weapons against multiple opponents aim for the floor or any scenery near them
  5. Cool ideas but I don't think they will put the prophet of regret :/
  6. Did you know that halo 2 had 3 levels removed from the original game?
  7. That map looks awesome It makes me want to play in it
  8. Just keep playing objective and you'll eventually play it
  9. I gotta complete it on legendary NOW
  10. It makes me feel like assassinating brutes
  11. Hey I think I met you once online was it when I was playing infection?
  12. It would be cool to have elites back but brutes....maybe They could also create a new playlist called Might of the hunter. Where there are 2 hunters and spartans have to take them down
  13. I hope so I have trouble getting achievements
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