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Pbrabbit last won the day on September 28 2017

Pbrabbit had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Destiny, Pokemon, Theatre, drama, singing, acting, multiplayer, competitive

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  • Gamertag
    The Pbrabbit

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Pbrabbit's Achievements

343 Guilty Spark

343 Guilty Spark (19/19)



  1. Miss y'all! Hope everyone is doing well!

  2. Wow. Big Update.

    1. Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Yeah. I just came back on after feeling like I haven't been on in forever, and I haven't been on in forever.

  3. I miss you all

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      Sorry I missed you when you stopped by!

    2. Pbrabbit


      No worries my dude!

  4. Bop. boop boop. beep.

  5. Such a great idea Bnus! Hopefully I can get in on this!
  6. Happy New Year!

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Happy New Year to you too, Pbrabbit!

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom
  7. Pb back to give some updates before this big tournament this weekend. I found myself and my nerves were everywhere. I woke up several times last night to feeling stressed and not knowing why. Eventually, I realized I was so stressed because I really want to get a photo with 3x World Champion, Ray Rizzo. (You might notice I'm a bit of a fanboi) Anyways, I am preparing for this tournament in every way I know! I am taking time not playing Pokémon. CRAZY! I know. Why not practice the game that I will be playing all weekend? Well, it's good to get some rest and not burn yourself. It seems like an obvious thing, but not all people realize it. I am also watching players battle on showdown rather than battling 24/7. If I do battle I limit myself to 4 a day. Why do I do this? Well after reading many other commentaries on rushing through battles, I agree with the statement that if you do not go back and evaluate what you did in your battles, you do not gain anything useful for future battles. Pokémon is a game of knowledge. Going back into your battles allows you to get that information, as well as understanding your own battles and information. This information can be how fast another Pokémon is compared to yours, or what are the most popular Pokémon to face your team. You also obtain the information of what Pokémon your opponent thinks your bringing. With this information, I can out-predict my opponent for a nice Turn 1 Play. Best of all, I am preparing my team for the tournament on Saturday. That is perhaps the most important thing. Make sure you have the necessary Pokemon for the big day! That's it for me now, I'll be on, on Saturday to report more! MY GOAL: TOP 16, or TOP 32.
  8. Hello! For all of you who do not know me, I am Pbrabbit! I have been a member of the forums for quite a while now, and I can be seen living in my hole at the bottom of the forum threads in the "Other Games" section. I am an avid Pokémon fan and player. For the past couple years I have been training and competing to be the best there ever was! This year I start my official journey as I head to many big Pokémon events to compete for head to head against other players with the Pokémon Sun and Moon Video Game. At the end of September will be my first event and I am super excited to be introducing Sudowoodo to many high-level players! More to come soon, tah tah for now! - Pb
  9. Good day everyone!

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Ey it's the butter man, good day to ye too.

  10. Congrats man! A well deserved postion for you!
  11. Imagine, a game where Master Chief and Knack, team up and fight a Guardian from Destiny.

    1. Halo6 Follower
    2. Spyro


      Are you implying the Chief couldn't kill and spawn camp the guardian?

  12. Hey welcome to the forum!!! You're doing it exactly right by the way. So no worries there. Hope to see you around!
  13. Hey Peeps! Pbrabbit here! I'll be hosting a Halo Lobby on the Xbox One tomorrow, Saturday, at 4PM EST! I'd love to meet and talk to old friends again!!!
  14. Hosting a Halo Lobby Tomorrow around 4pm EST!!! Come and Join!

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