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Everything posted by Pbrabbit

  1. #TBT Imakequilts had events on the forum where if you won, you got a quilt

  2. Would anyone be up for a community Halo Event? I'll set up a poll
  3. Sounds like a good idea. Could you give us a basic run down of what these zombies can and can't do because otherwise, no disrespect to you, it sounds like a lot of other Zombie outbreaks and then, humans fighting off the zombies. A little more explanation on what your ideas are I think could possibly give yourself and everyone here a better understanding of why this book is not like anything else.
  4. Hey guys, Pb here. So in the gaming world today, we all love the people who have wonderful great internet connection. For those who don't...get yourself some better connection! But just on a topic of something outside gaming, but still very related, a court battle has been going on since 2010 was settled today over the internet! That's right! The internet! You might be saying to yourself, now why would someone be fighting over something in the public domain to do whatever they please? Well that actually was the topic of discussion! Here is some of what the article from CNN was saying: "So what happened exactly: The FCC just granted itself the power to defeat a raging, fire-breathing monster: the monopolistic network owners who can kill Internet freedom by blocking websites -- or by creating an Internet fast lane for the privileged, few, rich tech companies that can pay for it. But this monster is actually a phantom menace. Sure, in the past, telecoms have been bullies. Verizon blocked Google Wallet. AT&T blocked video chatting apps. Comcast slowed down file-sharing websites like BitTorrent. Rural telephone provider Madison River blocked Vonage's over-the-Internet phone calls. However, the FCC used existing rules to fix those problems. The new rules essentially maintain the status quo. The Internet sure feels free today. It'll feel the same way tomorrow." Basically, this Net Neutrality Act will not change much for the moment, and will not fully go into power till the Summer time, and many other things could take it away. But the important thing is, there are people willing to make the internet a free public domain, not being controlled and distributed to different people in different ways. Especially those who cannot even receive in certain parts of the US and the whole world as well! Thanks! (Link to the Article Here)
  5. First time speaking, Ahem. I am not Mafian. If someone wants to verify, message me, and I will be happy to comply
  6. Fish are food not friends.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Yeah but fish is disgusting... Just to me. I'll at it, but it just stinks to eat it.

    3. Coldfreeze


      Tell that to the vegitarians.


    4. Hemonecrophagia


      except tuna, tuna is food, sushi is my enemy and sharks are fun to dance with, clown fish are avoided because i also hate clowns,

  7. Congrats to all of you! Very well deserved for every single member on the list! And the honorable mentions, congrats as well!

  9. -Banner -Gif -Size [Default: 600 x 200] -Pokemon theme -Color Scheme: Latios themed Background http://24.media.tumblr.com/91d42e7de4eff9017dc6fe8ea015cc4a/tumblr_mftp3sxr991r3ifxzo1_500.gif Text to come up at the end of the Gif with the white water. And for text. Pbrabbit -Text Font: Whatever you feel is good -Additional Effects: Anything you want -Positions center pls
  10. Being the dorky DS gamer that I am, I am here today to talk about the game Animal Crossing: New Leaf New Leaf is the fourth installment of the Animal Crossing series for Nintendo. I have to say, that I personally love the game, and so do many others as well. I, love economy based games, which this game is. I love them with all my heart. With this game, I found that at first I was hooked. But after time I would eventually get a bit bored with the game as it mainly depended on the certain time you were playing your game. I for one have not played the game in a while, but I plan to get back to it as soon as I get home! I'm gonna catch me some beetles! If you did not know, one of the main sources of income in the came is to catch rare beetles. As for game ratings... 4.8/5.Amazon.com 9.6/10.IGN.com 9.5/10.GameStop Good rating like this are not easy to come by, but if you do have a great game like this, it is well worthy of the ratings it has been given. What do you guys think about such a game? Like it? Don't? Tell us!
  11. Play Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire? Comment Below!

    1. Fishy
    2. Azaxx


      I did play OR, but I haven't in a couple of months.

      Lost interested in leveling my tourney team

    3. Melody
  12. Everything's Coming Up Milhouse!

    1. Azaxx


      Is Milhouse a meme yet?

  13. Welcome friend! I'm sure you will be a wonderful addition to the community! If you have any questions, let me know!
  14. An interesting question being posed here. I am having to go with the Carbine on this one. Although, I prefer DMR's
  15. Hey everyone! This is just a little poll for me to get a read on people who play on the 3DS and play competitively. I know we have a lot of wonderful PC and XB360 and XB1 playdates, I'd also love to host a sort of tourney or event, or just a hang out of some kind with some 3DS gamers! So all honest input on the poll would be extremely helpful! Thanks!
  16. What I find most interesting these days is the commercial advertising and publishing that goes on when issuing a new game, espcially when the new game happens to be quite bad. Do you think the publishers and makers of the game think it is bad too?
  17. Hubba Hubba Dubba Bubba

    1. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      You cannot argue with that flawless logic!

  18. Very honored to have made the list! Thank you! Congrats to everyone else on the list!
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