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Posts posted by Pbrabbit

  1. I almost laughed out loud whilst reading this. When have I ever made a defensive claim about myself, and when have I ever accused anyone of being a mafian? If you don't reply to this, then you cleary have nothing to say. You just posted me a paragraph of [insert word of your choice here]. All confirmed pro-towns recommend that I vote, so I did. I then withdrew it, then voted again. I now withdrew it because of reasons stated above.



    You said yourself that Grif may be innocent. I'd rather not vote out an innocent. I vote out an innocent, it'll only make our situation worse. Shall I just go back to voting Ledgend then? Would that make you happy? Grif, Connor, or Hunt could be a mafian. One of them could also be the detective. I have no good reason to vote one of these people over the other. I withdrew my vote, because I could be contributing to the lynch to another innocent civilian, or a pro-town role, without even knowing. It's too risky.


    I'm better off leaving everyone else to vote, you want to go around killing possible civvies without good evidence, go ahead. I'm not going to participate in a lynch of any pro-town member. I haven't before, and I'm not going to now. If you have good evidence, then I'll vote.


    I kinda just had something to say Blake...So look at what I wrote, again. That's all. ;)

  2. Blake. You always put a a vote in, and then take one out. Is it to simply give yourself a good image in the eyes of those you may or may not be trying to blind? I know I didn't vote. I just didn't have any evidence to vote for someone, so I didn't post anything about voting. It's just weird that you keep doing that. Quite suspicious. Now, since I made this claim, please, as you usually do, come back at me, as usual. Not saying it's out of the ordinary but, you tend to make some defensive claim towards yourself and then you try to accuse someone of being a Mafian. That's not what someone of pro town would do, or at least that's what I think. Who knows. It is my first time playing...

    • Like 1
  3. Sounds good.



    You realise what you said makes no sense? You brought something out of no where, I can't make any sense of what you have typed.


    How have I escalated things? I gave you a full detailed response earlier, you haven't countered one point. Is it because you can't? If you can, then go ahead.

    I not going to go on with such a suspicious person such as yourself Blake. I know where my vote will be going next time.

  4. The fact that you're getting included doesn't really help you. You're speaking as if you are innocent. Why get included in something that has nothing to do with you? I had a valid point in what you called a 'quarrel'. There's no need for you to intervene in something that hasn't even escalated.



    I'm pretty sure it's up tomorrow, considering we had one up just yesterday. I've got no problem with it being up today though.

    Blake..you have escalated things. Tossing around the word "innocent" so much that it makrs me and other wonder some things. But I'm not going to voice my opinion, I was  simply saying that you have been constantly been very defensive over the idea of innocence. Let's have everyone think on that.

  5. I agree, Destiny is a game on luck, but there are other ways of getting gear and such as well. I feel as though your 2 choices are a bit exaggerated. It does not take 1-2 weeks for one piece of armor, depending on where you are getting it. And depending on luck is not something I do or most players do. You depend on doing the missions and then receiving materials accordingly. I live Destiny, but with all the love there is some hate as well. 

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