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Everything posted by Pbrabbit

  1. Hey guys Pb here. So IRL I am super busy with finals and professional auditions and such so for the next two weeks I won't be super active. After that though, I'll be back! So this is Pb hoppin' off for a couple weeks
  2. I just want to say, the last person who is mafia, come at me bro
  3. I was disappointed to not find destiny on the list, though with the mixed reviews everywhere, its hard to place it on a top ten list. Great article EK!
  4. Come and get me mafians hahahahahahaha. Ha.
  5. hey. just decided to stop by and check out your

  6. Welcome back! I totally get where you are coming from about things feeling new. Leaving the forum and then coming back is an adjustment to redo for yourself! But welcome back!
  7. I kinda just play Mario Kart, but I've had my fair share of Forza racing in the past. Not a bad game, but not o ne of the best one's either. I kinda just play Mario Kart, but I've had my fair share of Forza racing in the past. Not a bad game, but not o ne of the best one's either.
  8. Loved it man. Great post. Some quality stuff in here.
  9. #NeverKillBunsInMafia2015

  10. Hop. That is all.
  11. Sign me up! 13! LOVING THESE ROLES AS WELL. So pumped for this.
  12. You may or may not know it, but I am here to reveal it to you. The bunny is Mafian. Have a nice day
  13. The Incredibles was such a great movie and still is!

  14. Breaking the rules on this means I voted for mafia and votes were then locked.. but oops...I didn't vote for Grif. I voted for Sarge in the end. Butter luck next time, Bunsy
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