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Everything posted by Pbrabbit

  1. Bro, uh, Congrats on your month in Pink. Truly Deserved.
  2. 2 years on the forum is coming soon WOOO

    1. Buns



    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut


    3. Delpen9
  3. I'm ready for it. Crotas end hasnt been all that exciting to me and I want something else.
  4. Think whatever y'all want to think. I was just persuaded. Human nature
  5. After some persuasion. I will be voting sarge.
  6. Though isn't that unpredictability a fun factor of the game?
  7. Interesting round of voting. Due to being persuaded, I vote Sarge.
  8. we're almost at the new year..which means a new MOM XD

  9. Welcome! If you need anything just ask!
  10. Hello All! Happy soon to be New Year for all that celebrate!

  11. I kinda just had something to say Blake...So look at what I wrote, again. That's all.
  12. Blake. You always put a a vote in, and then take one out. Is it to simply give yourself a good image in the eyes of those you may or may not be trying to blind? I know I didn't vote. I just didn't have any evidence to vote for someone, so I didn't post anything about voting. It's just weird that you keep doing that. Quite suspicious. Now, since I made this claim, please, as you usually do, come back at me, as usual. Not saying it's out of the ordinary but, you tend to make some defensive claim towards yourself and then you try to accuse someone of being a Mafian. That's not what someone of pro town would do, or at least that's what I think. Who knows. It is my first time playing...
  13. Welcome! Message me with any questions Terra! Can't wait to talk with you soon!
  14. Welcome to the forum! Message me with any questions!
  15. And I quote my friend, Blake, "I not going to go on with such a suspicious person such as yourself Blake." If that is not stop, I'm not sure what universe you live in. And Axilus, It is my first time playing the game, so if I sound a bit too hostile, I apologize.
  16. Christmas is almost upon us! FORUM GIFTS TOMORROW WOOO

  17. I just simply stated I am done with this conversation, and I know where my vote is going. Is that immature? I hope not. For your case, I'd just stop with this conversation. Thank you.
  18. I not going to go on with such a suspicious person such as yourself Blake. I know where my vote will be going next time.
  19. Blake..you have escalated things. Tossing around the word "innocent" so much that it makrs me and other wonder some things. But I'm not going to voice my opinion, I was simply saying that you have been constantly been very defensive over the idea of innocence. Let's have everyone think on that.
  20. You are extremely sassy to this now innocent friend. Not to nice.
  21. We'll miss you! Come back soon! Happy holidays!
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