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Posts posted by Pbrabbit


    So you may or may not be aware, but Wednesday, the human race had a bit of space history. We have placed a probe on a comet for the first time! As you know comets aren't just a planet that orbits around the sun, it's a moving object through space. It just make me think of what the future will be like one day in space, do you think it'll look similar to Halo space? Star trek space? What do you think?


    So you may or may not be aware, but Wednesday, the human race had a bit of space history. We have placed a probe on a comet for the first time! As you know comets aren't just a planet that orbits around the sun, it's a moving object through space. It just make me think of what the future will be like one day in space, do you think it'll look similar to Halo space? Star trek space? What do you think?

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