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Everything posted by Pbrabbit

  1. Some recent Console news for you! Recently, Playstation turned 20 years old! For this special occasion, Playstation will be turning one of their PS4's into a PS1, only in colors though! To go further on this topic, a recent GameSpot article said this, "Sony and Microsoft may be rivals in the console space, but that hasn't stopped top Xbox boss Phil Spencer from sending some well wishes to PlayStation for its recent 20th anniversary. @PlayStation Congrats on 20 years of success with PS. #20YearsOfPlay — Phil Spencer (@XboxP3) December 4, 2014 The PlayStation brand celebrated its 20th anniversary on Wednesday, following the Original PlayStation's release in Japan on December 3, 1994. The Xbox is a younger platform. It was initially introduced in 2001, meaning its 20th anniversary won't come until 2021. To celebrate the PlayStation's 20th anniversary, Sony earlier this week announced a limited-edition PlayStation 4 modeled after the Original PlayStation. Only 12,300 units will be made, and you'll be able to preorder one starting on Saturday, December 6." (http://www.gamespot.com/articles/top-xbox-boss-congratulates-sony-on-playstation-s-/1100-6423974/) I may not be the biggest fan of Playstation, but it makes me happy that gaming has gone this far!
  2. I am not surprised at another franchise title from this game. Granted I love the game, and I'm very interested to know what Victorian London will be like.
  3. Congrats on the MOM! Have a god month!
  4. Ti's the season to be hoppy fa la la la la la la la la.

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      hey, you stole my Status :P

  5. The new Destiny update is the best thing since sliced bread!

    1. Akali


      Yeah it is! :D

      Also do you mean sliced Bnus? ;)

    2. Unease Peanut
    3. Pbrabbit
  6. A new month..a new MOM to be announced..

  7. I've been playing the game, and it's definitely not the exact same thing. For a remake, it's actually wonderful. Lots of water types tho.
  8. What do you do with a drunkin' sailor earli' in the mornin'?

    1. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      You throw him out of the pub.

    2. EliteSniper


      Weh eh up she rises!

  9. Update on the humans and space thread here, The same company that put a probe on a comet will now launch a Probe in 2018, to be set on Mercury in 2024. If you think about it, Mercury is one of the least looked at planets in our solar system, due to how close it is to the sun in proximity with its orbit as well. They say the probe has to face temperatures up to 400 Degrees Celsius and down to 170 Degrees Celsius. What do you think? Do you think we can build such a probe to test the heat of our sun and it's radiation?
  10. Today marks the release date for the Remake of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire! Both 3rd Generation games taking place int he Hoenn region, and contain some very famous legendary pokemon, Latios and Latias. The game comes out today in stores all across the US and the world as well! This is a game I played when I was a child, and now I get to play it all over again. How do you feel about Nintendo making a remake of such a classic game? Below is a HD, 8 bit like, photo from the opening of the gameboy games, Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire.
  11. I feel that part of his comment is appropriate, but I feel it was not appropriate to go and say that people are possibly bad gamers..I get the time zone piece, but he being matched with other parties piece was not appropriate.
  12. Friends! As you may be aware, currently Destiny has their Iron banner event going on and I want to take advantage of this! This Saturday, November 22nd, at 6pm EST, I will be hosting a small lobby of people(on XBOX 360) for as long as people want for the Iron Banner event. Crucible is more fun with friends online, and especially friends, or should I say, family from the Forum! Join me this Saturday! Comment below to sign up! Thank you so much guys! A reminder, this will be on Xbox 360. Please post your forum name and XBL name Sign up List: 1.)Bnus, xbl: Warm Bnus 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Wait list: 1.) 2.) 3.)
  13. My Thanksgiving break is almost among us! If anyone wants to do some Destiny this weekend or next week, let me know.

  14. This is quite an interesting read and I partially agree and disagree with some things youve said but that's what makes this a wonderful review! Great job!
  15. Everything is not perfect in the beginning. In time it repairs itself and help is given to it and so on enough all will be well. No need to fret friend!
  16. Merry MCC! Ho Ho Ho!

  17. So you may or may not be aware, but Wednesday, the human race had a bit of space history. We have placed a probe on a comet for the first time! As you know comets aren't just a planet that orbits around the sun, it's a moving object through space. It just make me think of what the future will be like one day in space, do you think it'll look similar to Halo space? Star trek space? What do you think?
  18. Self destruct has hosted a few events now that I think there should be a community game award given out for it.
  19. Well. I like it. But what does that matter. Lol. You spent time on this which is very important in itself. So great script my friend!
  20. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you here! Can't wait to talk with you in the shouting sometime!
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