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Everything posted by Pbrabbit

  1. HO HO HO MErrrrry Christmas!

  2. Hey there, I'm back ;)

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Here, let me give you some memory wipe.

  3. Guys, it is officially time to wish you Merry Christmas, the Skeleton War is over! Hurrah!

  4. Thank you to the TWO people who wished me happy birthday!

  5. I Funny Thing Hopped Back To The Forum..

    1. Akali
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Rabbit, I have to admit, you are handsome in your pic.

    3. Pbrabbit


      Why thank you! XD

  6. It was so great talking to some friends on the forum again! if you're maybe wondering where i am and such, it's because I'm really busy in my life right now. but if you want to say hi, chat, rant or anything to me, just pm me! I'd love to talk to old friends and even new ones! this forum has helped me so much, i just want to say thanks.

  7. My love for the missile pod launcher is beyond the flame of eternity. I vote for the missile pod!
  8. Eh. Notch leaving Mojang in my opinion is the end of an era with Minecraft. I just hope ms doesn't mess it up at all.
  9. #ILoveBuns2014 Ah what a memory. An older memory having to be, meeting VaultingFrog for the first time on the forum. Makes me so happy.
  10. Welcome! Glad to have you here! You've picked a fabulous community to join!
  11. Sad to see you go man. Come back soon!
  12. Starting a Destiny Clan, PM me for more info. :)

  13. Hello friends! It has been a while since I have been active on the site. I apologize. If you have been wondering where I have been, my time has been spent in real life on my dreams and goals and in the new, ever so popular DESTINY! I am recruiting a clan for Destiny. If you are interested at all and want more information, message me or comment below and I'll message you. Thanks! Pb
  14. Hello! It's good to be back. It seems that I come back, go away, come back and go away again. Weird.

  15. I'm with you. It's even worse with the Pokemon and Animal Crossing Titles. Even though those titles are directed at children, there are plenty of adult themes and ways to play people don't realize if they don't play the games. It just makes me mad.
  16. I was recently accepted into a performing arts private high-school. Super excited to live the dream XD

  17. Congrats to everyone! Truly well deserved for all.
  18. Should be here for the 17th. Can't wait!
  19. Congratz! You deserve it!
  20. Hello Friends! I am back on the site once again. I have been at a performing arts school for the summer, I will be more active on the site in August. For now, I will be on the site, but I will be able to game once again in August. For now, I'll just be more active on the forum in posts in such. I can't wait to talk to everyone once again, and hopefully I can get to be gray soon enough. Hello again, Pbrabbit
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