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Posts posted by Pbrabbit

  1. So you may or may not have ever wondered, what I like to do in real life. Well I am a Theater Nerd for those of you who did not know. I love Theater. I like to direct, act, stage manage, you name it! I do it all. Here's a video of me as the lead, in a show called Sweet Charity. I'm playing the role of the drug smuggling, church raising, coolest place having, guy named Big Daddy. That's right, I am playing the role of a Hippie King. 



  2. UPDATE #1:

    I'm excited to present my very own first update here for Blue Team.


    RANK UP:

    Ruby Rose was ranked up to Private Grade two for help on a Blue Team map and participation in Maestro's Birthday Bash! Congratz!


    Phoenixstone was ranked up to Apprentice Grade two for his participation in Maestro's Birthday Bash! Congratz!



    Things to know:


    - We are trying to plan a playdate or two for our group this week. Let me know if you have any ideas for when and what time.

    - Connor Kenway will be considered for being able to train Blue Team members.

    • Like 2
  3. Here are our Current Members, if you are a member please inform Pbrabbit or Ranger447 to correct this mistake. 


    Pbrabbit ( Leader )

    Ranger447 (Spartan)

    The joker is here ( council, Major )

    Shadowfiend ( council, Major )

    unease-p34nut ( council, Majjor )

    the terminator ( council, Major )


    Ruby rose ( Private Grade 2 )

    Phoenixstone ( Apprentice Grade 2 )

    Erebus ( recruit )

    ESPADAS03 ( recruit )

    • Like 2


    It has come to my attention and many other members attention that this group, Blue Team is just not going to settle down no matter what we do. A change in leadership cannot change how the whole team acts, so I have requested for Blue Team to be permanently locked and to not be brought back here on 343i. Any other thread made in the name of Blue Team will most likely be locked by mods or you may be given warning points, and no body wants that my friends. I know many of you criticize what Blue Team is like now and I just want to tell you that Blue Team and any other team with a different leader than before is going to be different. We will not have the same morals and values, we will not have the same thoughts and ideals as previous leaders. Myself and some others tried to start up Blue Team again in a different way and that has just brought yet another heated conversation to the forum and has put much stress on the mods. Time and time again in the past two weeks we have been told to quiet this thread down and many just ignore those warnings.





    • Like 3
  5. Hello everyone!


    I'm very excited to be the Leader of  Blue Team. Here is the new updated Page 1.


    Greetings all members of the 343ICF. It is Pbrabbit here today informing you that Blue Team is recruiting members to fight off the evil force known as the Covenant. They are humanities enemy and shall be destroyed. Blue Team was originally formed in November by Ranger447. I was a later member to join and have been loyal to the team ever since. I was a very dedicated member to Blue Team. After many changes in leadership, a council of 7 were selected to choose a new leader between them. From thereI today come to you and say I am the new leader and am very excited to be! I want to recruit members for Blue Team and fight together against our threat, the Covenant. I will need all of YOU, to do that. Here is some more information about us:


    Being A Team


    We are a Team. We are a brick wall that has crumbled, but will not fall. We will stand strong through the roughest times and always back eachother up. We are all about teamwork. No man or women is ever left behind. We always treat each other with respect and are never disrespectful to anyone, even if they are not on the Team. We wish to make no new enemies and build up Blue Team. We are Blue because it is the colour of the legendary Halo Blue Team that consisted of 4 sometimes 5 Spartan-II's including Sam, John, Linda, Kelly, Kurt and Fred. The Team has had different Spartans at different times. http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Blue_Team



    The Enemy


    The Covenant are our main enemy. We are willing to ally with any other forces to fight Covenant. We are not against anyone besides the Insurrectionist, also known as the Rebels, and the Flood. We have tried to join before but they don't seem to friendly.


    Community Events


    Blue Team community events will be held as often as possible and I will try to make the times suitable for people all around the Globe. They will be based on all Halos and every Team ember is invited. It gives you a chance to show off your skills which will help decide your Specialty.

    (A member of Blue Team will be selected to host events and make them as often as possible)


    Member Specialty


    Every member in Blue Team will be specialised in something. This will be judged by their gameplay at ourCommunity Events. There are many specialties such Sniper, Explosives, Close Quarters, Driver etc...



    Even with our many changes in leadership, we will be sticking to these ranks. Ranger will be responsible for members and ranks. 

    Our ranks are based of the Halo 3 ranks. http://halowiki.net/p/ranks You will be promoted for your contributions to the Team. Giving support, ideas or participating in Community Events or efforts to improve the team will all be recognised and you will be awarded with a promotion. Promoting the Team and showing patriotism is also taken in account.




    I will have every member of the Team on my profile page along with their rank, speciality, and our Team logo. You can post your Blue Team rank symbol (Halo 3 Rank symbols) on your own profile page.




    Blue Team Spartans are our leading members. Members that have achieved the highest rank and/or have shown amazing dedication and loyalty to Blue Team. They will be at the highest possible stage for any member to achieve.




    We will be communicating in this thread. All our announcements and updates will be here.


    How To Join


    To join Blue Team you need to pledge loyalty to us and be as active as possible. We need intelligent, strong, skilled, and motivated members to take on the Covenant. War games will be perfect training.


    We hope to build on Blue Team and welcome many new members. If you have any questions just ask by posting below or sending me, Ranger447 or Pbrabbit, a Private Message. We wish you all the best. If you need a Team for support against the Covenant or any other enemies of the UNSC, we are here for you. Join today, you won't regret it.


    Edit: UNSC Spartan-II,Ranger447 or JX no longer lead Blue Team. I would like to thank all of them for their work on this team.

  6. And while you are in Blue team are you allowed to have people in blue team join your clan, provided that you are loyal to promoting Blue team, recruiting for Blue team also and/ or being as helpful and active as you can for blue team.


    Also making sure that if you did have members from blue team join your clan, that they would still openly display both The clan and their commitment to Blue team. 


    I am sorry to be so pedantic, but I would want to stick within rules and guidelines which for me, means no grey areas allowed :-)

    Its really great you are asking questions like this. Now we rather not have any other clan advertisements in our thread but you are welcome to create your own thread for your own clan. But try not to get people to join your clan and ditch Blue Team. So yes, make sure they will stay with Blue Team if they join you. 

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