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Everything posted by Pbrabbit

  1. I've actually noticed the very fast disappearance of weapons when you die. Then you go back to retrieve them and they are not there..it is quite annoying.
  2. Hey Guys, thanks for the concern, but there is still a final update to be made tomorrow by Spartan. So we'll see tomorrow.
  3. Remember when an Ice cream cone cost 10 Cents? Crazy right? WELL I DON'T REMEMBER BECAUSE I WASN'T ALIVE THEN! BUT HERE'S WHAT I DO KNOW! A Box of Popsicles now costs about $4-5 dollars today in THIS economy. I mean come on. $4-5? Really? Frozen chemicals on a stick are that much? Oh thats not all! A Carton of Edy's Icecream can cost up to $6-7. I mean what the hell is wrong with the world? I don't want to pay that much for Ice Cream SO HERE'S THE MORAL: Don't be ripped off with EXPENSIVE Ice Cream, just have Ice instead. It's cold, has a fresh, powerful, neutral flavor, and is just like the dire thing you need in your life(Water) BUT FROZEN! SO HAVE MORE ICE TO EAT TODAY! (PS My Photo in my signature matches up well with the end of this post )
  4. I have officially been on the site for a total of a week now. I know that is not much to many, but to me its a representation of all the good time I have on this site.

  5. Dear Blue Team Members, It seems that many have left and that the stress is getting to Spartan, but I, like many of you who are still very committed to Blue Team, do not want to just see this group go away in the blink of an eye. So, What does this mean? This means when you see a friend on the Forums who maybe interested in joining a group, such as us, bring them over to the thread. Have them read it through. Be welcoming. We can rebuild BT with the many great members we have. So what do you say? Will you help me and this team, get back to what it once was? ALSO- "war" is not an ideal decision to make. Again, this team is not against anyone...Why do people forget.. And Ranger, Welcome Back!
  6. Welcome. Great to have you here!
  7. Blue team members and all, time and time again as our leader has said, we mean in no way to be against people, only the covanent. So yang, you will be missed. And every one who is here and is not in blue team, welcome! This is a great group.
  8. Just played some halo 4 with my awesome blue team peers!

  9. snow day for me! I'll be in the shoutbox if you need me.

  10. Snow Day for me! I'll be in the shout bkx if

  11. Hey magical love, is there a difference between being killed and being banned? Or are they the same thing?
  12. Wow. So far you have ceased to amaze me with your new articles. There has to be a place for you on the news team after this month of being MoM. You deserve it I think.
  13. Snow day tomorrow...I think

  14. Now you want an announcer, I am pretty good at that type of stuff. I would love to the present the site with a trailer. Let me know if I can be any help.
  15. Welcome guys! And Unease P34nutNice Rank up!
  16. Another reason to go to MU, video gaming conventions come to you!
  17. Do you know who played the lovable Barney the Dinosaur in your childhood? Head to: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/09/barney-the-dinosaur-real-life-actor_n_3569273.html ,to find out where your childhood 'hero' really is in this segment of YOUR CHILDHOOD UNVEILED!
  18. I will make it if it does not interfere with the Blue Team Recording game. GT: The Pbrabbit
  19. Hey Blue Team members! Remember that the recording day is February 8th! Check out the Blue Team Thread for certain times.

  20. This is interesting. To offer such a promotion on such a new console, with not many games out for it yet that have been hits. Interesting...Very Interesting.
  21. 3DS. To stay up to date with all the newer games arriving this year.
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