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Everything posted by Pbrabbit

  1. Very true. That is exactly what I did.
  2. Bungie has been up to a lot with Destiny lately with people being able to Pre-order and receive a reserved spot in Beta gameplay. Here is a video from the site put up recently. From Bungie.net: "You might have read a little rumor last week that implied we’d be hosting a public beta for Destiny in 2014. Sometimes, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. To celebrate the official announcement, we’ve prepared a strike of multimedia showing off the Moon, the Hive, and of course, a brave trio of Guardians in action. Check it out! Official Destiny Gameplay Trailer: The Moon Defend our home. Defeat our enemies. Become Legend. If you’re ready to reserve your hands-on time, you can pre-order Destiny at participating retailers now to get access to the Beta. Codes are available while supplies last. If you want to secure a spot, visithttp://www.destinythegame.com/wheretobuy, or visit a participating retailer in person. Once you have your code in hand, come on back to http://bungie.net/betaand follow the three simple steps to complete your reservation. Any questions? Visit the FAQ!""
  3. Great to see a dedicated Halo Player like yourself! Welcome! Enjoy these wonderful forums!
  4. There is definitely something fishy going on here.
  5. Welcome to the forums Fear. But you should know, a rabbit does not fear anything
  6. Awesome list guys! Congratz to everyone!
  7. Welcome friend to a community like no other. Glad to have you join us. I'm very impressed with your videos btw.
  8. Wow, you are definitely one funny person, and you are one to make an introduction, must better than myself I must say. Welcome!
  9. Welcome to the Forum! glad to have another avid Halo fan on a Halo Website.
  10. Pbrabbit


    Doc, oh its great to see the great medical man back here on the forums!
  11. Welcome to the forum friend!
  12. Drizzy Thanks for being such a good Mod While I have been apart of this Forum. Its staff like you that keep this place with order. Thank you.
  13. Interesting Yang. I wonder why they are so picky over customization though...It is kind of weird.
  14. Peace out being Green, it was great getting to know you. Now on to purple and better things

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pbrabbit


      thank you The Stig


    3. Maestro


      Welcome to Amethyst Team! We hope you enjoy your stay

    4. Ranger Intel
  15. I just want to say goodbye to everyone from my name being Green, soon I will join the ranks of the Purple names and it certainly has been a privilege to green, but all good things must come to an end yes? As God closes the door, a window opens. I wish all of those good luck to being green and I say hello to all of those who are purple. Thank you.
  16. Very solid gametype as Ranger said, It would be nice to see it show up in Halo 5 as well. We just have to wait and see.
  17. For me Firefight was slightly boring but every now and then I would get on just for fun to play it. But I think it was a bit of a waste of time and that Halo 4 and future Halo games are moving on to greater and better things.
  18. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the trailer. It is good, but I think it may give away to much about the Didact and scenes during Halo 4 for someone who maybe has never played the game yet. Other wise really good overall.
  19. Pbrabbit

    Halo 4 sucked

    Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion but get your facts straight before going on a rant like that. Also, some may not like your views on just coming out to say Halo 4 sucks. Just saying. It is not very nice.
  20. Wow, these maps look like they have taken a lot of time. If I ever need a large map for a BTB event, I will definitely will be coming to you for any maps. Thanks.
  21. Have you ever had your Xbox 360 Elite overheat even though it has a built in cooling system?
  22. I'm glad to see someone that loves H4 as much as I do.
  23. Welcome back to the Forums friend!
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