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Posts posted by Pbrabbit

  1. I never liked The Simpsons, so no I do not think it will last because of the fact the show is old as umm dirt. xD

    I respect you not liking the show, but I graciously disagree with the show being old as dirt. Sure, it has gone on for 26 years, but it still is The Simpsons

    • Like 1
  2. This forum, is not only a place of 


    Fantastic News Articles


    Caring and Mature Staff


    Hilarious Friends


    Intellectuals of ALL Sorts


    The Almighty Twam


    Halo Events


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    Gift Giving and more!


    This forum is a family. There may be fights. There may be bad times.  But we make up. We make up because we are a caring community that helps all that ask, and those who don't as well.


    I want to say that being here for over two years now has really been so helpful to me and my life. It gave me a place to go and socialize if I was feeling lonely in real life. And then there were times where I found myself to busy to come on. Sadly I'd have to depart for a while, but then I'd come back and find old friends, and new as well! It was exhilarating. I've come back and forth every now and then, and for right now, I'm here to stay and now, as a grey, and dedicated member of the forum. 


    Thank you, all of you.



    • Like 4
  3. If you haven't heard the news,


    Harry Shearer is leaving The Simpsons after 26 seasons. 


    Besides the evil Mr. Burns, Shearer also voices Ned Flanders, Principal Skinner.


    The plan is said to be that they're not going to kill off the characters, but they plan to hire new voice actors to play their parts.


    What do you think? Can the show live in the 27th and 28th Seasons?

  4. You're not much of a Pokemon game.


    Gible goes into Garchomp though. Pseudo-Legendary. Plus if you're smart enough to know how to use him correctly, you can have a really OP Pokemon. With enough Super Training on the subject, he'll be ready to stomp in no time. Not to mention they're description is really cool; read it if you haven't. I just prefer the particular Pokemon. Gible is cute, Gabite is alright, Garchomp just makes me proud. It can learn almost every HM.


    Fishy, Melody is right lol. Wouldn't be much of a game. 

    • Like 1
  5. One day I will merge all consoles into one, and we will all join, and sing Victory Everlasting. The Super console named: WiiStationBox One-Four. Harmony at last. MAster Chief is in Smash, and Mario is an Easter egg in Gears of War.


    Anywhoway, Nintendo will always have a certain respect from me. N64 in the early 2000's, my first console that was specifically mine. Back then, I have to say the quality of every game on that console (Except for Superman 64 and a few exceptions) was superb. Bnus really isn't lying when it comes to Nintendo's performance record.. Even with Hardware limitations, their games for the most part, have still been Great. At least from what I have heard, I don't play Nitendo anymore, but I rarely hear of Broken Nintendo games having awful launches, and 15,000 Battlepack Microtransactions.Just because the console is limited doesn't mean there's not stuff the N does better than MS and Sony.


    You cannot deny what they have done for the industry. When you're playing your Xbox or PS4, or any console or game, just remember who saved this industry back in the 80's with that Fat Italian Plumber.


    You make a fantastic point. I can't wait to see all the consoles merged together!

    • Like 1
  6. Recently I've been thinking about how Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire have been hits for Nintendo. This remake was an extremely smart, and perfectly timed event to do. Now the question remains, after the game being out since, November 21, 2014, Fans might be starting to think about what is next after this remake. (when I say 'fans', I mean me :troll: )


    Don't get me wrong, there's still much more to be done with Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, time wise, but I think it is time they announce a new project, or just release some speculatory stuff about what is coming next. 


    If Nintendo/GameFreak were to release a new Pokemon title, I'd either love a Remake of Crystal, or a remake of the very popular, Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness.


    If they don't do a remake, since they just did that, I have some strange feels about a new generation. I guess the question that remains is, how much longer can the Pokemon Video Game franchise just keep making new games? I mean, they do it with Halo, COD, GOW, and many other titles, but is there a limit to how many Pokemon Games there should be?


    What do you guys think?

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