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Everything posted by Pbrabbit

  1. Welcome to the forum! This is one of the best places to go on the Internet! Glad to have you be apart of it!
  2. I enjoy playing some good old MC in my free time.
  3. From the album: Grunt Feelz

    Save them today, your adoption of one grunt could save that grunt of going suicidal.
  4. Pbrabbit

    Grunt Feelz

    Different pictures of grunts.
  5. Pbrabbit

    Fail feelz

    From the album: Grunt Feelz

    We all have these moments..
  6. Pbrabbit

    Halo Logic

    From the album: Grunt Feelz

    Maybe putting the grunts alone would build self-confidence.
  7. What do you think makes a Grunt be so depressed it wants to be suicidal and run at you with Plasma grenades in both hands?
  8. So as I come back to 343, I notice more and more new and exciting names here on the site and I want to get to know some people better. So I want to do a little ice breaker with question. What is your favorite moment in any of the Halo games? PS. You may get to see some of my abstract posts later on this new year.
  9. It has been a while since my last play date. I would love to participate! GT: The Pbrabbit
  10. Happy New Year, and I wonder when the next election for president of the forum is

  11. Thank you for the comments on the site guys! They are appreciated!
  12. I love Xbox. I love Microsoft, I love the box and all the games that have come out on it, so If I were to get a new next-gen console, it would be the Xbox one. I do have a bit of a biass on this one, could you tell?
  13. Hey guys, I am currently going to be selling my 3DS for a week on Ebay. Its a either a bid war or a a buy it now for $120. The starting bid at the moment is $9.99. So go on and buy it today! PM me for more information and a link to the auction. ENJOY!
  14. Halo 4 is a pretty great game that came out quite a while ago now. So how much do you still play the game; I am interested to know. Thanks!
  15. RedStarRocket. My gosh, what an honor. Congratz man. I remember when you won MOM, and that was so long ago. Its great to see you as a mod. Congratz.
  16. I am back. I have been away for a while but I am glad to be back.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      You must have taken a wrong turn at Albequerqui or whatever it's called.

    2. Sadly Just AL
  17. Welcome to the Forum. Make your self at home and like Sikslik7 said, ask questions everyone here is friendly and Again Welcome!
  18. Check out my new post. Its the PILOT post to Doctor Pbrabbit's Analysis Blog

  19. Hello everyone and welcome back to Doctor Pbrabbit's Analysis Blog. Todays topic: Assassinations, and what you can do to get them! So in recent studies I have found that Assassinations today are on the brink of being easier and easier to get. Might I say almost easier to get than any STD. This is a very serious matter, so i talked to some people in this case study I like to call, "Give people $20 to lie and make my statements sound better". I asked one gentleman, "How is Halo 4 so far?" He immediately replied with, "Halo 4 is Assassinations!" and ran away. I feel that he might have had some brain damage due to the woodpecker on his head, but I did not care. I'm not that kind of Doctor, or at-least I think I am not, I might have to check the P.H.D again. Then I moved onto a really hot chick, who was a gamer, and asked her, her thoughts on Assassinations in Halo 4. She had to say this, "Personally Halo 4 is so dumb, I play Call of duty Black ops 2 and MW3 so those are way better than that stupid game." After that Interview at 5 O'clock on the evening news there was a hot chick missing for some reason. I could not comprehend what was going on. It was not like I released the info and the names of everyone who did this. And finally I had one last patient come in. He was 6 years of age and was cute as a button. I asked where his mother was and he said "shut up, lets get this over with." Right away I knew this kid was one of those COD trolls, but then again I was a doctor, and I was taught to not judge a book by its cover, so I began the interview. I asked the boy his thoughts on Halo and with Assassinations, and he replied with "Well first of all Halo 4 is the first step into 343 industries trying to make it big with this already big franchise....(he went on for a WHILE!). Secondly Assassinations in the game have turned out to be way to easy to get. So I personally think there should be some nerf to that. I do not know how, I just think they should." I was shocked, amazed, and you could even say flabbergasted! I was such in awe that as a doctor I PASSED OUT! Well when I woke up the boy was gone, there was a pen mustache on my face and he took $50 out of my wallet. Though he was nice to leave a thank you note. All in all a good interview. Ahem! ( clear the throat ), back to the analysis part of the blog. It seems to me that my case study of 3 random, country folk have proved to me and to you, the scientific community of HALO, that Assassinations are as easy to get as STDs and can be prevented by looking at your Radar. Thank you very much. Until my next Discovery I bid you a goodbye. This document is from the Un-federal archives of Doctor, Professor and Pimp, Pbrabbit. Any use of the Un-legal, fake and satirical documents will not have you be sued in any way. Hey guys, Pbrabbit here. So I was bored and this is a random, improvised story/blog I created. If you like it, let me know and I can create more of these for your enjoyment. If not, well then. Please do not be a hater and comment below with hateful remarks. Kindly message me to let me know of your thoughts. Thank you!
  20. Very suitable answers. Thank you too all.
  21. Is this picture a leaked rumor picture or accurate? Thanks!
  22. Amazing. Thanks for putting in the work to make other peoples experiences better. Cheers.
  23. We are still looking for GL's so if your interested, please let me know. We could always have anyone from this forum. Everybody here is great!
  24. Thanks for submitting what looks to be a great map. Thanks!
  25. Now many people here may not like Pokemon, or just do not like nintendo at all. Well those of you who do not like those things you can stop reading and go to another part of the site. For those of you who do enjoy Pokemon and do play it this is the post for you! Hi I am Pbrabbit, I have recently created an Online WIFI/Pokemon showdown Pokemon League. The League is called the Opal League. We have gotten 8 Gym Leaders, biut we are looking for 4 more to do a Gym Leader tourney to find our top 4 Gym Leaders to be in the Elite 4 and the bottom eight GL's as the GL's for the league. Here is the site: http://opalleague.webs.com/ Look at it, touch it, Lick it, and even smell it like you do at school because the girl in front of you has good smelling hair. Let me know what you think of the site and if you do like it message pbrabbit here on the forums or message me from the site saying your from the forum and you would like to join. Thanks!
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