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Everything posted by Pbrabbit

  1. Bored on a saturday...

  2. Yes! Finally Climbable VINES!
  3. Pbrabbit

    A lasting DLC

    Lately I have noticed that after about a month or so, New DLC becomes very,very unpopular to everyone. SO 343 has to kinda do something about that because now people are just going back to the original game types. which is not bad whatsoever, but I paid to play good DLC with people and I want to have what I paid for.
  4. Halo 4 customs..FUN!

  5. I'm gonna be honest, your post is very confusing. At one point you say that "don't deny that Halo 4 forge is pretty good", but then you say all the problems and solutions to Halo 4 forge. Please Clarify when you post. But I do agree with the Solutions. Most people do.
  6. thanks for the Insight and Opinions because everyones is different. I could agree with some of the stuff here actually. Nice insight.
  7. All these reasons you have listed are awesome. I totally agree.
  8. Of course we do. What Halo 4 fan doesn't want a new forge world because we all know the one they have right now....Sucks. SO hopefully 343 does something about it.
  9. Omg, a weapon like that would be Legendary. If they actually were able to morph those two weapons together, that would be great.
  10. Interesting, but I would love to just have both in one game, as is. Don't change it if it isn't broke.
  11. I am not a supporter of the Nazi party and Hitler, but this video...it was Hilarious! I loved it and I agree with some of the mistakes that 343 has made but I still LOVE halo 4! Great video, thanks for posting!
  12. If you know of the game Assassins Creed, the knife is probably one of those knifes that switch out from the wrist or something. But it would be cool if thats where they are.
  13. Thanks for the Post! Very helpful to know!
  14. Bungie is NOT coming back to make your Halo games Perfect again... So having a couple things different about Halo 4 than Halo 3 is definetly going to happen.
  15. A fun survivor Weekend. This was awesome!

  16. I agree I would love to see some of these spartan ops maps as sandbox maps. Nice post!
  17. I do not appreciate being insulted..
  18. I love this. Thanks for taking time out of your day to post this. It means a lot! Thanks Again!
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